The Universe
Physical proof the speed of light is not constant
Rodney Kawecki
The Facts:The Universe is round like a balloon. Its diameter is 93 billion light years across measuring as a balloon 229,000 mil light years. A ship travels in any direction will travel rite back to the place it launched. A ship traveling at the speed of light can accelerate up to close to 450,000 miles a second if it had the engine capacity to do it. This does not violate relativity – it’s based on the universe’s length as a balloon (450,000 miles a second) which allows it. Space is warp not the celestial matter in it that doesn't change. But a ships speed can zoom to close that 2.7 light speed. Space is warp meaning that it was stretched, curved, bent and blown up creating a dark black hole that releases pressure from somewhere in the cosmos dark matter element. Matter survived without diminishing and lays on top of the warp space. What makes the matter in the universe to expand is the pressure from the hole in it. Space has been warp and as consisting as a empty expanding vacuum has a zero point vacuum ground density but since it doesn't consist as a close compartment as relativity insist it does – means that there exist no real limit to a ship velocity traveling on this expanding bubble. The galaxies orbit spreading at 2.7 miles a second per second away from each other at the edge of the universe. Physicists think that faster than light speeds in such a condition would illustrate a un-balance in the galactic orbitration speed meaning that the distance because of the expansion and its speed between galaxies is too much. We measure the distance between the galaxies and think how much they spread a part at 450,000 miles a second each second as way fast and way far a part. Its all happening at the edge of the universe. The room between celestial sphere at the edge is the oldest area of the balloon. As the balloon gets bigger and bigger more and more room is available making the velocity the sphere’s orbitrate giving them the velocity under the open pressurizing realm more freedom. We don’t feel this change in the realm pressure because we reside in its grip but we can measure it from a distance. The space it resides in – is warp from the beginning but retains as a emptiness. The speed a ship can travel through this warp ship can be measured a sum Quanta Physics Theory by this author Rod Kawecki has deciphered. We have measured the the speed between the galaxies and the velocity they expand at at the universe’s edge and divide that distance and separation velocity by the speed of light which equals 278,000 miles a second..divide this sum by the speed of light equals 2.7 thousand miles a second. This is how we decipher the available universal speed limit in the equation sums. Albert Einstein deciphered the universal speed limit saying it was the speed of light because light measures at both levels a mass scale and a non mass scale which fits well with measuring particle masses but does nothing for the universe’s speed limit. He deciphered these barriers with gravity and assumes empty space as static electricity. He also assumed his speed limit with a close universe compartment or as a bubble that has limited realm equilibrium of space. And its not – we reside outside the balloon or bubble surface. Reading The Quanta Physics theory you can discover the equations that prove this and why. Einstein also considered the zero point vacuum energy of open space possibly by adding a zero to his light made of ship. He never looked at squaring the velocity as in his equations but others have like Star Trek engine propulsion possibilities. The difference between general relativity and special relativity using time travel as a barrier traveling pass light speed you will time travel – is beyond the real truth. I have written five books using these deciphered changes found in relativity and my sixth will include the realm of the universe as I have mentioned in short length here but more are shown. All my books decipher as theory with faster than light hypothesis deciphered equations and explain the differences and why. I think we have to acknowledge a new beginning in a commercial space environment future from earth. I always wondered if god made a cat animal heaven like us – what you think.
A compartment is like a closed box - everything in it is subject to the environment in the box. New evidence in physics show we live outside this balloon - in a space environment that measures free and openly. All lifelike things all come to rest at some time even particles .. we reside on the blink of infinite enlightenment and have the ability to travel free of closed compartment limitations......
Differential to the Big Bang theorists, who have proposed a direct contradiction of Infinite Universe Theory.
All their calculations assume that the galactic redshift proves that the universe is expanding. This is in accord with Einstein's view that space is empty and that nothing should happen to the light that travels through it. Many of us do not believe that space is empty, or that time is a dimension like Einstein assumed. I consider time to be motion, which is not matter, but what matter does. The microwave background proves that space is not empty, but that it contains matter in motion (the definition of temperature). Empty space would have a temperature of 0 degrees K, not the 2.7 degrees K that is observed. Recent measurements (and some of the old ones) indicate that there is an ether that is the medium for transmitting light motion.
What I persist is that beginning from the time of the bang - everything formed and measures starting from zero also. We look at the definition of temperature and discover it is expanding as well if the universe is expanding it seems everything else in it is also affected and expands. Empty space would have a temperature of 0 degrees K, not the 2.7 degrees K that is observed.
Time ~ 1/100 Second
At this stage the temperature is about 100 billion Kelvin
Time ~ 1/10 Second
Now the temperature has dropped to several times 10 billion Kelvin
Time ~ 1 Second
The temperature has dropped to about 10 billion K as the Universe continues to expand,
Time ~ 13.8 Seconds
The temperature has now fallen to about 3 billion K
Time ~ 3 Min 45 Sec
Finally the temperature drops sufficiently low (about 1 billion K)
Time ~ 35 Minutes
The temperature is now about 300 million K
Time ~ 700,000 years
The temperature has fallen to several thousand K
Today, CBR peaks in the microwave part of the EM spectrum and the Universe is around 2.7 K
The universe used to be very hot.
The universe used to be very dense.
The universe is expanding (which is why it isn't so hot or dense anymore).
Will the universe collapse again, or expand forever ?
The Big Bang model predicts that this temperature drops as the universe expands. If we could somehow measure the temperature of the CMB at some time long ago, we ought to find a temperature higher than 2.7 Kelvin.
Absolute zero is the absolute lowest temperature in standard physics and in nature. Absolute zero is 0 on the Kelvin scale, or -460F/-273C.
Today, CBR peaks in the microwave part of the EM spectrum and the Universe is around 2.7 K (far away from the bright areas). Background radiation (CBR) emanates from all parts of space which are not lit up by bright objects. The oldest stars in the universe are all a little younger than the Big Bang.
What the Quanta Physics Theory suggests is there is a measurable inflation measurement that shows not only the expansion speed of the universe but also is measurable with its expanding temperature inflation. The ability to use these equations we may be able to predict the time inflation might stop as well as whew the universe's acceleration speed will slow down.
It’s more directly possible that if the universe is headed for an expansion halt what will happen to the universe as a whole. If the universe's temperature can be measured with the expansion velocity of the cosmogony together and try and predict its future.
The Kelvin scale, or -460F/-273C we discover the Kevin centigrade temperature is equal with the Kawecki space field expansion velocity relative with the speed of light. Light quanta are a radiation of particle waves and or sine magnetic waves but still fall in equal; with temperature radiation. When we measure the temperature of deep empty space we are measuring its expansion rate as well. It seems that the universe is expanding and it is calculable with the rite equations we can measure predictions about its structure.
Starting with the bang (and I say bang because it is my belief that the galaxies that male up the universe matter could have begun by an individual explosions of its galaxies) we measure down the temperature scale where today we measure the cosmic background temperature at 2.7 Kevin. We also observe using the radiation of light as are vector we discover the maximum velocity of the universe and its galactic matter and its expansion also measures at 2.7 thousand miles a second.
The speed of light radiation measures equals with the temperature of the dark matter space. As you have read the universe is slowly falling in temperature as well as velocity. What we observe through a telescope in distance and the velocity at that far distance measures 450,000 m/s. Observing its temperature of 2.7 Kevin where we exist on the universe’s orb we observe the affect of these elemental activities. Since we know the universe is expanding at a specific velocity we can predict where it will be in the future.
Since the speed of its expansion doesn't slow or change at its furthest edge where we are – we can predict changes in its earlier time closer to the universe’s center if we can observe it if the inflationary stage area is slowing down or staying idle or speeding up. We can look at the universe as being feed its inflationary pressure by another place like a collapsed star might join and transfer its energy somewhere else forming a new star. We can predict that since the universe is 13.7 billion years old that when it reaches 25.3 billion years the background radiation temperature will measure 1.35 Kevin a lot cooler then it is today. We can consider this conclusion because the galaxies are accelerating further and further away from each other. This prediction is put over ten billion years in the future. From today we can presume that are foresight for space exploration will take us to a new and perform planet somewhere else in the cosmos. We will conquer the ability to manage around being caught at traveling at speeds slower than the speed of lite is the purpose for modern physics and future earth space travel.
* If we research the velocity of ‘quanta’ particle velocity or the radiation speed of quanta particles’ we observe the velocity of the thermal heat degree relative to its velocity which relative from zero the same weight of the vacuum its measured in.{“The Quanta Physics Theory”}.arithmetic

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