The space drift is the push outside the realm of the inflationary bubble.
The Quanta Physics Theories as did Isaac Newton Mechanics designed a gravity force that Albert Einstein reinvents with the activity in the energy mass. He claimed the gravity force to be attractive due to energy and as well invented a gravity force in space based on those same circumstances which in reality differ because of other physical affects that are present. This is the reason the speed of light is also the speed limit for a zero point ground space, it reforms with the same affects energy reforms in gravity free fall statistics affects that occur because of its presents where the lift of gravitation is due with affects of friction and other external forces like energy, masses and of matter. These same activities don’t occur within the space and its fabric vacuum ground energy. The idea that matter impressed itself on space which in turn the tension reformed space into a harder substance.
Space that is a totality of a drift matter is pushed against causing it to reform the space around it as a pushing force distinctively form in relativity as slow dragging the planets are really being pushed forwards deepening into the fabric of the galactic matter. This repulsive force asserts tension on the space fabric. Spin rotation and space curvature forcing matter into systems, galaxy dens and in the moistest sectors solar systems. The only thing different in the space tensioned fabric is the design space structures into it. Is it a compilation where the planets, stars and galaxies pile over and close together or is space a flat terrain?
Further research has lead physicists to believe that the terrain the celestials compile themselves with is flat. That Hubble Theory allows us to vision the universe as a round ball or inflating bubble or balloon which all matter is impressed towards due to its repulsion force. The curvature of the balloon’s axis makes round celestial spheres unbalanced making them rotate. Relativity explains this activity is caused by: "matter tells space how to curve, and curved space tells matter how to move".
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Einstein's Third Gate
by: R Kawecki
Over one day to extract simplicity out of
complexity? If others could have given us special relativity, who else but
Einstein, sixty-four years ago, could have given us general relativity? Who
else knew out of the welter of facts to fasten on that which is absolutely
central? Did the central point come to him, as legend has it, from talking to a
house painter who had fallen off a roof and reported feeling weightless during
the fall? We all know that he called that 1908 insight the "happiest
thought of my life"— the idea that there is no such thing as gravitation,
only free-fall.
Einstein won gravitation as a
manifestation of a warp in the geometry of space. His 1915 and still standard
geometric theory of gravitation is summarized the way we know today, in a
single, simple sentence: "Space
tells matter how to move and matter tells space how to curve." Through his insight that there is no such
thing as gravity, he had had the creative imagination to bring to get her two
great currents of thought out of the past. Riemann had stressed that geometry
is not a God-given perfection, but a part of physics; and Mach had argued that
acceleration makes no sense except with respect to frame determined by the
other masses in the universe.
The three famous early tests of Einstein's
geometric theory of gravitation: the bending of light by the sun, the red-shift
of light from the sun, and the precession of the orbit of the planet Mercury
going around the sun. Neither is it necessary to expound the important insights
that have come and continue to come out of general relativity. Einstein showed
that the law for the motion of a mass in space and time does not have to be
made a separate item.
The collapse at the center of a black hole
marks a third " gate of time," additional to the big bang and the big
crunch. Einstein tried to escape all three. Two years after general relativity,
Einstein was already applying it to cosmology. He gave reasons to regard the
universe as closed and qualitatively similar to a three dimensional sphere, the
three-dimensional generalization of the surface of a rubber balloon.
To his surprise, he found that the universe
is dynamic and not static. Einstein could not accept this result. First, he
found fault with Alexander Friedmann's mathematics. Then he retracted this
criticism, and looked for the fault in his own theory of gravitation. It turned
out there was no natural way to change that theory. The arguments of simplicity
and correspondence in the appropriate limit with the Newtonian theory of
gravitation left no alternative. There being no natural way to change the
theory, he looked for the least unnatural way he could find to alter it. He
introduced a so-called "cosmological term" with the sole point and
purpose to hold the universe static. A decade later, Edwin Hubble, working at
Mount Wilson Observatory, gave convincing evidence that the universe is
actually expanding. Thereafter, Einstein remarked that the cosmological term
"was the biggest blunder of my life."*
In December 1978
announced impressive evidence.*One does not need to go into the theory of
gravitationally collapsed objects or the evidence we have today, some
impressive, some less convincing, for black holes: one of some ten solar masses
in the constellation Cygnus; others in the range of a hundred or a thousand
solar masses at the centers of five of the star clusters in our galaxy; one
about four million times as massive as the sun at the center of the Milky Way;
and one with a mass of about five billion suns in the center of the galaxy M87.
such a stellar BH ?(seed) could grow by 6−7 orders of magnitude in mass, in few hundred million years, is another
daunting task given the limits on accretion. The idea, that a set of very
specific physical conditions found only in the early Universe, In this study we refer to a black hole with
mass > 106M⊙ as supermassive.
Explaining the first
supermassive black holes could
have allowed for the formation of massive seed black holes with
masses in the range of 104−5 M, could be a potential solution to this
problem as the seed would now need to grow by only 3–4 orders of magnitude
in mass to attain supermassive scales. Direct collapse (DC)
channel of forming massive seed black holes aim of this is to
understand the plausibility of the set of physical conditions required for
direct collapse and its impact on the evolution of the first galaxies. A nick
name theory addressed in The Quanta Physics Theory applauds a new theory that
besides the big bang theory the universe was formed by the multiple collapse of
the earliest spheres as in the result of a black hole explanation here and nick
named “The Popcorn Universe Theory and which addresses the probability that matter
manifested through the brethrens three-dimensional generalization surface of a rubber balloon as prehistoric
spheres (seeds) called ‘embryus’ procured out of the fabric surface mass not as
a single bang as in the big bang theory but as in an multiple entre of young spheres that manifested later into the
existing galaxies saw today a beginning entre point of over 13.8 billion years
ago. The emphasis is on understanding
how frequently do the conditions required for DC occur at z > 6 and not on the actual formation process
itself occurs it’s more analogical to understand that the early prehistoric
universe was by the independent formation of the galaxies forming and not as a
singularity theory.
The birth of the Milky Way comes from the
measurable collapse mass of a gigantic black hole one with a mass of about five
billion suns as the one in the center of the galaxy M87 is
evidence from relativity that the galaxy is the aftermath of a massive
collapsed deity. (embryus) Black holes what are they? Where do they come from?
And what are they for? To some it is thought to be what is called The Big Gun a
portal where matter arrived through the fabric of space the manifestation of
the cosmic egg to some. There exist no evidence on which way the black hole is
spinning whether inwards or outwards.
Assumed to come from a galactic collapse the portal is assuming matter
and energy towards it and not away from it. A collapse followed by a bang
allows matter to be formed creating dense matter.
The follow up on black holes is the fact
that the deities formed in the galactic realms are all shaped in a round model
whether it be a star or a planet inside the galaxy. Evidence has shown that
these spheres like our own earth seem to be growing in size and mass they are
getting bigger. It seems most likely that these spheres are manifestations of a
cosmic egg or embryus egg making the idea that beginning from the big bang
event that all matter assumed a analogical molecular inflation as described in
the big bang theory to some it seems more likely that the spheres made at the
galactic level bangs are actually rounded shape some sort of physical growing
Two years after general relativity,
Einstein was applying special relativity to cosmology. He gave reasons to
regard the universe as closed inside of
the balloon and qualitatively
similar to a three sphere, the
three-dimensional generalization of the surface of a rubber balloon. New facts
show using the arithmetic shows the galaxies reside outside the bubble and in
contradiction with Einstein’s ideas about the universe. Still today Stephen
Hawkins illustrates a bubble universe in which we reside inside this bubble.
The mathematical facts in Quanta Physics show how matter assumed from a massive
black hole and was followed by allusive low pressure inflation of the assumed
bubble and by which matter resides on its fabric surface meaning outside the
bubble itself not inside it. It could be followed that receding galaxies are
pushing the bubble causing it to expand from the inside of it but than
inflation due to the increase of the bubble’s pressure of dark matter is
Another great mystery about the universe I
think a count is the analogy that all the planets, stars and deities of
planetary matter seem all to be round in shape like a ball even from dark stars
at the universe’s youngest age. It follows that in a early universe all the
deities must have been closer together than they are today. Like Plato’s theory
about the world planetary matter is slowly spreading a part other theories
believe the planets are physically growing getting bigger and bigger over time
it has been physically measured. Round planets and deities can have happen in a
more course tough and denser vacuum that is itself slowly expanding also. It
follows that the universe seems also to be inflating at a steady constant rate
the Hubble Theory has measured this activity.
The idea that in a younger vacuum field
more denser be it the spheres matter or the vacuum itself – because of weight
and free fall in the course of groups at the stellar level the sphere’s orbited
closer together they were more dense not due to the vacuum but the density of
the stars and system of stars and planets that finally grew older over time.
The idea that the universe conforms as a system with a dense dominion star
making up the group it stands that the space expansion is just making more room
for the matter that exist.
Einstein’s blunder that the universe is
closed to regard the universe as closed
inside of the balloon pointed to
the direction that the vacuum was
constant until they discovered that the universe was expanding. The
possibility that matter formed out of equilibrium contradicts the idea that
binary theory is the birth place of all planetary matter that which is a
specific area in space but I believe is not the beginning. If planetary matter
grew from the equilibrium the weight of it spreads over the surface it resides
on causing the fabric surface to get tenser. Subtle generating matter passing
through the fabric at its earliest era or to say in the beginning all matter
formed before the release of pressure of the bubble or balloon doesn’t allow
for later formation in theory where matter actually came from is the reason
black holes discovered midfield the galaxies illustrates evidence they acted as
portals pending the deity of matter from some other location into this universe
is the reason they exist at all.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
The Expanding Earth Expanding Universe Theory
by: Rodney Kawecki
The expanding Earth or growing Earth hypothesis asserts that the position and relative movement of its continents is at least partially due to the volume of Earth increasing. Rod Kawecki’s theory of The Expanding Universe expands into a material expansion of celestial matter the idea that all matter in the universe is also expanding relative to the universe expansion rate though inside the galaxies all the planets and stars act as individuals are expanding a long with the universe itself.
Physics puts matter inside an expanding bubble or balloon that in Quanta Physics Theory written by Rod Kawecki transcends that all the galaxies existing reside outside the bubble. His proof resides on the fact that the space fabric whereas the celestial’s reside rotating and in orbit or the Einstein Gravity Field is the surface of the rounded balloon. It is the pressure or inflation of the bubble that causes matter residing on its surface to separate or expand. Newer present 2015 theory called “Quanta Physics Theory “asserts and steps in with this analogy about the end of the universe illustrating its new discovery that shows that the universe expansion rate is now identified as it wasn't before this year. In this new theory the universe’s expansion rate is now measured at length at 450,000 miles a second. The rate of expansion of the human body type and the earth expand at a different rate as the universe’s rate.
Part of the universe expansion theories I based on the lack of evidence the idea that matter also is expanding within the rate of the inflation rate of the universe shows the consistency of whether the universe is stable balanced or un-balanced. It will also show evidence of why matter retains the physical properties of both positive and negative atoms and is different than its outside space field mass.
In 1888 Ivan Osipovich Yarkovsky suggested that some sort of aether is absorbed within Earth and transformed into new chemical elements, forcing the celestial bodies to expand. This theory assumes the connection between matter and dark matter mixed within the matter celestial chemistry causes a chemistry imbalance generated in matter around its center of mass properties physically making a chemical reaction at the molecular level increasing the matter's chemical mass causing the matter to grow or expand.
Also the theses of Ott Christoph Hilgenberg (1933, 1974) and Nikola Tesla (1935) were based on absorption and transformation of aether-energy into normal matter.
In the last few decades, no credible mechanism of action has been proposed for this addition of new mass, and there is no credible evidence for new mass having been added in the past.
In 1889 and 1909 Roberto Mantovani published a hypothesis of Earth expansion and continental drift. He assumed that a closed continent covered the entire surface of a smaller Earth. Thermal expansion led to volcanic activity, which broke the land mass into smaller continents. These continents drifted away from each other because of further expansion at the rip-zones, where oceans currently lie
Decrease of the gravitational constant.
Paul Dirac suggested in 1938 that the universal gravitational constant had decreased in the billions of years of its existence. This led German physicist Pascual Jordan to a modification of general relativity and to propose in 1964 that all planets slowly expand.
The increased gravity of Earth would have altered the orbits of the celestial objects in the Solar System, including Moon's orbit and Earth's own orbit; proponents have no adequate explanation to address this problem.
The collection of theories about the universe even as it sparked new ones, clarifying the path for future astronomers. Among its many discoveries, Hubble has revealed the age of the universe to be about 13 to 14 billion years, much more accurate than the old range of anywhere from 10 to 20 billion years. Hubble played a key role in the discovery of dark energy, a mysterious force that causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate.
As large as the universe may seem to us – are galaxies and our location of the Milky Way in it as a whole lays outside the bubble located at the balloon edge surface we reside on the other side of the space fabric lining. To say where the center of the universe resides meaning a position inside the bubble that is expanding all matter and galactic matter that lays on its surface. Saying that the Hubble Telescope or any telescope has journeyed to the universe’s edge really means not from its center inside the bubble but the edge of the bubble fabric surface all the galaxies reside orbiting at.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
PHYSICAL PROOF speed of light is not constant
The Universe
Physical proof the speed of light is not constant
Rodney Kawecki
The Facts:The Universe is round like a balloon. Its diameter is 93 billion light years across measuring as a balloon 229,000 mil light years. A ship travels in any direction will travel rite back to the place it launched. A ship traveling at the speed of light can accelerate up to close to 450,000 miles a second if it had the engine capacity to do it. This does not violate relativity – it’s based on the universe’s length as a balloon (450,000 miles a second) which allows it. Space is warp not the celestial matter in it that doesn't change. But a ships speed can zoom to close that 2.7 light speed. Space is warp meaning that it was stretched, curved, bent and blown up creating a dark black hole that releases pressure from somewhere in the cosmos dark matter element. Matter survived without diminishing and lays on top of the warp space. What makes the matter in the universe to expand is the pressure from the hole in it. Space has been warp and as consisting as a empty expanding vacuum has a zero point vacuum ground density but since it doesn't consist as a close compartment as relativity insist it does – means that there exist no real limit to a ship velocity traveling on this expanding bubble. The galaxies orbit spreading at 2.7 miles a second per second away from each other at the edge of the universe. Physicists think that faster than light speeds in such a condition would illustrate a un-balance in the galactic orbitration speed meaning that the distance because of the expansion and its speed between galaxies is too much. We measure the distance between the galaxies and think how much they spread a part at 450,000 miles a second each second as way fast and way far a part. Its all happening at the edge of the universe. The room between celestial sphere at the edge is the oldest area of the balloon. As the balloon gets bigger and bigger more and more room is available making the velocity the sphere’s orbitrate giving them the velocity under the open pressurizing realm more freedom. We don’t feel this change in the realm pressure because we reside in its grip but we can measure it from a distance. The space it resides in – is warp from the beginning but retains as a emptiness. The speed a ship can travel through this warp ship can be measured a sum Quanta Physics Theory by this author Rod Kawecki has deciphered. We have measured the the speed between the galaxies and the velocity they expand at at the universe’s edge and divide that distance and separation velocity by the speed of light which equals 278,000 miles a second..divide this sum by the speed of light equals 2.7 thousand miles a second. This is how we decipher the available universal speed limit in the equation sums. Albert Einstein deciphered the universal speed limit saying it was the speed of light because light measures at both levels a mass scale and a non mass scale which fits well with measuring particle masses but does nothing for the universe’s speed limit. He deciphered these barriers with gravity and assumes empty space as static electricity. He also assumed his speed limit with a close universe compartment or as a bubble that has limited realm equilibrium of space. And its not – we reside outside the balloon or bubble surface. Reading The Quanta Physics theory you can discover the equations that prove this and why. Einstein also considered the zero point vacuum energy of open space possibly by adding a zero to his light made of ship. He never looked at squaring the velocity as in his equations but others have like Star Trek engine propulsion possibilities. The difference between general relativity and special relativity using time travel as a barrier traveling pass light speed you will time travel – is beyond the real truth. I have written five books using these deciphered changes found in relativity and my sixth will include the realm of the universe as I have mentioned in short length here but more are shown. All my books decipher as theory with faster than light hypothesis deciphered equations and explain the differences and why. I think we have to acknowledge a new beginning in a commercial space environment future from earth. I always wondered if god made a cat animal heaven like us – what you think.
A compartment is like a closed box - everything in it is subject to the environment in the box. New evidence in physics show we live outside this balloon - in a space environment that measures free and openly. All lifelike things all come to rest at some time even particles .. we reside on the blink of infinite enlightenment and have the ability to travel free of closed compartment limitations......
Differential to the Big Bang theorists, who have proposed a direct contradiction of Infinite Universe Theory.
All their calculations assume that the galactic redshift proves that the universe is expanding. This is in accord with Einstein's view that space is empty and that nothing should happen to the light that travels through it. Many of us do not believe that space is empty, or that time is a dimension like Einstein assumed. I consider time to be motion, which is not matter, but what matter does. The microwave background proves that space is not empty, but that it contains matter in motion (the definition of temperature). Empty space would have a temperature of 0 degrees K, not the 2.7 degrees K that is observed. Recent measurements (and some of the old ones) indicate that there is an ether that is the medium for transmitting light motion.
What I persist is that beginning from the time of the bang - everything formed and measures starting from zero also. We look at the definition of temperature and discover it is expanding as well if the universe is expanding it seems everything else in it is also affected and expands. Empty space would have a temperature of 0 degrees K, not the 2.7 degrees K that is observed.
Time ~ 1/100 Second
At this stage the temperature is about 100 billion Kelvin
Time ~ 1/10 Second
Now the temperature has dropped to several times 10 billion Kelvin
Time ~ 1 Second
The temperature has dropped to about 10 billion K as the Universe continues to expand,
Time ~ 13.8 Seconds
The temperature has now fallen to about 3 billion K
Time ~ 3 Min 45 Sec
Finally the temperature drops sufficiently low (about 1 billion K)
Time ~ 35 Minutes
The temperature is now about 300 million K
Time ~ 700,000 years
The temperature has fallen to several thousand K
Today, CBR peaks in the microwave part of the EM spectrum and the Universe is around 2.7 K
The universe used to be very hot.
The universe used to be very dense.
The universe is expanding (which is why it isn't so hot or dense anymore).
Will the universe collapse again, or expand forever ?
The Big Bang model predicts that this temperature drops as the universe expands. If we could somehow measure the temperature of the CMB at some time long ago, we ought to find a temperature higher than 2.7 Kelvin.
Absolute zero is the absolute lowest temperature in standard physics and in nature. Absolute zero is 0 on the Kelvin scale, or -460F/-273C.
Today, CBR peaks in the microwave part of the EM spectrum and the Universe is around 2.7 K (far away from the bright areas). Background radiation (CBR) emanates from all parts of space which are not lit up by bright objects. The oldest stars in the universe are all a little younger than the Big Bang.
What the Quanta Physics Theory suggests is there is a measurable inflation measurement that shows not only the expansion speed of the universe but also is measurable with its expanding temperature inflation. The ability to use these equations we may be able to predict the time inflation might stop as well as whew the universe's acceleration speed will slow down.
It’s more directly possible that if the universe is headed for an expansion halt what will happen to the universe as a whole. If the universe's temperature can be measured with the expansion velocity of the cosmogony together and try and predict its future.
The Kelvin scale, or -460F/-273C we discover the Kevin centigrade temperature is equal with the Kawecki space field expansion velocity relative with the speed of light. Light quanta are a radiation of particle waves and or sine magnetic waves but still fall in equal; with temperature radiation. When we measure the temperature of deep empty space we are measuring its expansion rate as well. It seems that the universe is expanding and it is calculable with the rite equations we can measure predictions about its structure.
Starting with the bang (and I say bang because it is my belief that the galaxies that male up the universe matter could have begun by an individual explosions of its galaxies) we measure down the temperature scale where today we measure the cosmic background temperature at 2.7 Kevin. We also observe using the radiation of light as are vector we discover the maximum velocity of the universe and its galactic matter and its expansion also measures at 2.7 thousand miles a second.
The speed of light radiation measures equals with the temperature of the dark matter space. As you have read the universe is slowly falling in temperature as well as velocity. What we observe through a telescope in distance and the velocity at that far distance measures 450,000 m/s. Observing its temperature of 2.7 Kevin where we exist on the universe’s orb we observe the affect of these elemental activities. Since we know the universe is expanding at a specific velocity we can predict where it will be in the future.
Since the speed of its expansion doesn't slow or change at its furthest edge where we are – we can predict changes in its earlier time closer to the universe’s center if we can observe it if the inflationary stage area is slowing down or staying idle or speeding up. We can look at the universe as being feed its inflationary pressure by another place like a collapsed star might join and transfer its energy somewhere else forming a new star. We can predict that since the universe is 13.7 billion years old that when it reaches 25.3 billion years the background radiation temperature will measure 1.35 Kevin a lot cooler then it is today. We can consider this conclusion because the galaxies are accelerating further and further away from each other. This prediction is put over ten billion years in the future. From today we can presume that are foresight for space exploration will take us to a new and perform planet somewhere else in the cosmos. We will conquer the ability to manage around being caught at traveling at speeds slower than the speed of lite is the purpose for modern physics and future earth space travel.
* If we research the velocity of ‘quanta’ particle velocity or the radiation speed of quanta particles’ we observe the velocity of the thermal heat degree relative to its velocity which relative from zero the same weight of the vacuum its measured in.{“The Quanta Physics Theory”}.arithmetic

Friday, February 20, 2015
The Big Bang Hasn't Happen Yet - How Will The Universe End?
The Big Bang Hasn't Happen Yet
by: Rod Kawecki
What's warp space mean?
We look at the birth of the universe as an explosion which usually means the end of things but when it comes to the universe the same explosion means the beginning of it. Why? Using Hubble Inflation theory the universe is growing - it’s expanding getting bigger. Like a baby the embryo doesn't fall apart it evolves and grows. Not a very good way to explain it but the truth is the truth. Our universe began when its debris passed through a weaken portal inside the dark matter element a multi-dimensional spawn of the negatively charge density. This density has a wavelength alignment which meets with material fabric outer cover it is outside this fabric surface that planetary matter exists. The portal matter passes through leaves behind it a black hole or fabric hole we find at the center of galaxies. Like all debris it has decayed - the decay coming out from the dark matter portal at the bubble surface is positive decay from negatively charged energy. This negative energy is hidden deep in the vacuum density of the bubble it resides in. As this negatively charged decay passes through the portal as a decay it physically transforms into a high dimensional positive energy matter. Passing outside into the empty vacuum space on the other-side of the bubble this infinitely high energy matter implodes transforming its physical nature as a negative decay substance in a open vacuum with zero point energy atmosphere space cold the high energy decay emits high energy heat melting its negative component into positive component energy it implodes because its infinite energy transformation as a negative decay substance cannot withstand an endless empty vacuum density realmage. The matter transformation substance reaches infinity and collapses in on itself it transforms into a energy matter.
In the entire universe was born. The force of pressure that followed behind the earlier matter debris that passed through the surface portal first filled an unknown outer zero point vacuum empty space space element substance with dense pressure possibly liquid pressure substance forming a expanding bubble behind the transforming matter that passed first through the portal. At first the hot matter during the transformation era grasped close to the balloon surface slowly cooling as the bubble continually grew and enlarged. At an early stage the space fabric the surface of the bubble acted repulsively towards the newly developing matter that grasp to its surface - an energy fluctuation occurred between these two entities as the fabric of the balloon surface extended a negative pushing away of the molding matter debris - causing it to spin at infinitely vast velocities shaping the matter into sphere like deities. Matter tells space where to go and space makes matter move. Vast sphere like galactic size masses formed above the bubble's surface grid. As these newly developed galactic sphere continued to cool inj the vast vacuum realm the energy from the spheres cool to an infinite state molding a frantic hot spot at the galactic century points abroad the bubble surface atmosphere - when the liquid cold vacuum atmosphere cooled the celestial matter close to infinitely cold along with the center of the sphere massive hot spot caused inside these primeval spheres to explode. This early activity of the universe's development formed a massive flatland of galaxies throughout infinite space.
To answer the question to whether or not the big bang event was an actual event explaining the birth of the universe I would have to answer that question with where the bubble which all material planetary matter resides with in motion exist and inflating I would wonder to what degree and length of time will exist before the balloon slowly stops, the balloon explodes or the universe infinitely continues I believe weighing the evidence that the big bang hasn't happen. As mankind theoretically strives towards the future it weighs it logic by examining its past by doing so I believe what we perceive as the universe's beginning is in reality a warning to a event of the future.
We can look at the early era universe as an event of infinitely fast interactions or events take away the sound of an explosion and you view the process of its event without the sound. Matter is pushed out of the black portal hole followed by vast pressure - pressure that even today is still expanding the universe. The matter having arrived first lies on top of an inflating bubble preceding it. At the earliest first seconds the matter is extremely boiling hot. It lies over and on top of the proceeding bubble and instantly begins to cool. Instantaneously the fabric surface of the bubble or inflating balloon begins making the cool rebidding matter instantaneously mold and spin. At the center matter cools with an in dense boiling center of mass called its hot point. It molds into independent sphere shape chunks of matter. As it cools further it’s outside shell cools as its outer shell freezes by the in dense cold empty vacuum. Cause and effect causes the gigantic galactic size spheres to explode. As part of the aftermath they become the observable galaxies we see abroad the cosmos.
Gravity travels at the speed of light anything traveling in that constant detects no inertia or its ripples and continues traveling without constant acceleration is the burden of Albert Einstein universal speed limit and infinite mass analogy. Constant acceleration means keeping your foot on the pedal like because a car traveling is affected by friction. Since the speed of gravity in space is constant and measures at the velocity of light our space car keeps going needs no constant acceleration which Albert Einstein believes creates the need for an infinite amount of energy energy for acceleration for its journey even to travel at speeds greater then light.
Space expands matter proportionate to its acceleration force meaning for every ton of acceleration the driver puts to the ships pedal space adds that same amount of acceleration push with the ship. Everything in the universe including space all operated in its beginning stages with a process forming the universe at an extreme rate of speed. A speed that as the universe evolved slowly slowed down over time but the rate of its creation measured at velocities far faster than the speed of light. We can safely agree that when the universe was very young and slowly developing that the event and stages occurred at a vast rate of speed simply based on the manner of which the galaxies formed the planets and the stars. We can also based this strategy with the fact that what Einstein defines in physics gravity that everything developed in the process of its creation everything that exist in the universe its pressure the vacuum planetary matter ordinary matter were subject to be formed under the stress and tension of the fabric of space that the fabric of space acts as the foundation from which everything in the universe were subject to as its repulsion pushing force we know causes planetary sphere’s to twist and function mobile is what weighs how dense the universe was from the beginning.

Changes That Come to Light don’t always come to Mass
E=mc2 = 00.c2 = infinity
DENSITY of a field area of space is the place for the interacting energy source manipulates the rest mass of a moving object. Below is the density field energy of space beyond the planet sphere atmosphere and also is listed the energy of the earth's atmosphere field energy. Reviewing the difference between the listed two you’ll discover that the earth’s field density is measured at about half of the field energy of deep space. Also listed with the universe field equation is the vacuum density which is 10 -30 cm³. Together they show that earth’s atmosphere or gravity field its energy as a whole is half that of the universe vacuum density. The facts left behind to us show that an object able to travel at about the speed of light in earth’s gravity field measured against the universes’ field density enables the object or spacecraft to travel twice the difference shown in the figures of the energies between them. Earths field density in positive energy mass traveling close to light speed in the comparison illustrates that if it were traveling through the vacuum field attraction of the mass will measure zero without energy in the universe field zero point vacuum. The positive numbers are about half those of the negative numbers in the vacuum density which measures zero where energy masses are measured as weight increases measurable to the proportional weight energy of the mass - mass in vacuum measures zero due to the lack of energy in the vacuum field. The mathematics’ in this comparison are equal to the ability to travel at the speed of light in vacuum proportionate with its mass increasing due to acceleration but where the kinetic value the ship having zero mass in vacuum without a mass value the existence of kinetic energy increase renders with the ships ability to travel light speed. Where the ships mass is not measured due to the interacting of zero energy in the field - infinite mass due to acceleration in Einstein's universal constant to energy ceases to exist as well. In the comparison of numbers in field densities where there is no energy interaction between the space field and the ships acceleration is redirected towards Einstein infinite mass theory. In the early days of General Relativity, Albert Einstein introduced the cosmological constant to allow a static solution, which was a three-dimensional sphere with a uniform density of matter. A little later, Willem de Sitter found a highly symmetric inflating universe, which described a universe with a cosmological constant that is otherwise empty.[42] It was discovered that Einstein's solution is unstable, and if there are small fluctuations, it eventually either collapses or turns into de Sitter's. Since Einstein believed the space field to be static energy infinite mass is not reached yet the ships velocity and its ability to travel light speed increases its acceleration ability from the speed of light to twice that velocity simply based on the lack of energy in the vacuum. Even though Einstein uses the propaganda of 'light' in vacuum for his equations for infinite mass and its values LIGHT is not the subject we are speaking of 'MASS" instead that the changes come from. The ship then is able to travel 372,000 miles a second.
We research further in this theory about light speed and its components (₠²)
We research farther observing the state of the universe and its expanding space pressure and outline a more valuable direction to correct the arithmetic in special relativity and review how the universe’s expansion has barrier to how fast a mass will travel through space also.
In the arithmetic below we direct the value of the Hubble Recession approximately 45 miles per second per 3 million light years divide it with the full diameter of the universe at its event horizon or highest edge on the outside of the bubble divide this with 3 million light years and multiple that sum with 45 miles a second. Discovery of that sum of 450,000 miles per second in seconds with the speed of light and discover how fast space is at expansion at its extreme and outside edge = 372,000 m/s plus 78,000 m/second.
We observe the swell of the space expansion is equal to just over twice light speed as shown in the other assignments also listed to be ‘The Swell’ meaning the pushing outwards of pressure of the bubble where the galaxies lay on the outer side of the bubble fabric surface.
The fastest a ship can be accelerated or pushed at is 186,000 miles a second. Due to all other remedies acquired like the physical expansion of space the lack of energy in the vacuum and lack of mass increasing due to such energies in the space compartment theory add to the ships ability to forego its journey.
According to the Star Trek episode writer's guide for The Original Series, warp factors are converted to multiples of c with the cubic function v = w3c, where w is the warp factor, v is the velocity, and c is the speed of light. Accordingly, "warp 1" is equivalent to the speed of light, "warp 2" is 8 times the speed of light, "warp 3" is 27 times the speed of light, etc these warp equations are based on the speed of light speed squared 186,000 miles a second times 186,000 miles a second = 34,596,000,000 miles a second.
Travelable Speed Limit at the Universe's Fabric Edge
Listed: Energy enabling faster than light travel
The density of the Universe is 9.9 x 10-30 g/cm³; light speed x 2 (plus zero 'o')
Earth 5.52 g/cm³.....light speeds
Travelable speed limit at universe's crest line edge
3D Universe mass size enabling faster than light travel
The observable universe has a diameter of about:
93 billion light years times pi
279,000,000,000 light years (@ pi)
Space itself is pulling apart at the seams, expanding at a rate of 74.3 plus or minus 2.1 kilometers (46.2 plus or minus 1.3 miles) per second per megaparsec (a megaparsec is roughly 3 million light-years).
279,000,000,000 light years
3,000,000 light-years
10,000 x 45 miles a sec = 450,000 miles a sec
(450,000 m/s) divided by L.S. = 372,000 m/s plus 78,000 m/s equals Speed without Limit
Equals: 44.7 miles per second every 3 million light-years
Also a part to be recognized is "The Alcubierre Warp Drive" adding still more speed for the journey.
INERTIA: A ship traveling in space builds its own inertia. The problem with inertia on earth in earth’s atmosphere and gravity field is weighed by the affects placed on an object by other forces like friction, energy, gravity, air and the weather. In space all these inertia affects don’t exist. Space is a vacuum. A wide vacuum and is made up of mostly empty space. Since the forces of planet masses are directed towards the planets center of mass the affects of inertia in space leaves open a wide empty space between the galaxies and planet systems.
On earth it is these affects that create inertia on an object. Space in 1905 was thought to be static allowing it to have affects that would put a traveling object to become un-balanced therefore having the effect of inertia changing the objects direction. It has been found that 98 % percent of space is empty of having such inertia affects and what has become known as micro-gravity has been replaced. We look at the statistics about inertia and discover that it is the ships center of mass as it traveling that initial inertia is created by its velocity. The greater the ships velocity the greater the inertia it creates putting other objects near it or close enough to nit to create a force that changes the objects travel direction therefore making it un-balanced.
Most physicists will say that all the effects of relativity and spacetime are the same as those on earth’s gravity but this is far from the truth. When we review a ships ability to travel close to the speed of light in space we find that weigh caused by inertia is minimal. But we can measure the balance between possible inertia disasters by measuring towards the center mass of the ships body and its area position amidst empty space to guide us through our journey.
The Numbers’ may work but hides us more and more from the truth
GRAVITY: We can review the affects of gravity in Newton’s theory with the foundation that an object has mass. His theory explains how a mass no matter its size free falls to the earth’s surface at a common velocity of 9.8 meters per second but what his theory doesn’t explain is why?
We review Einstein’s theory on gravity and find that he explains the measure of free fall with its mass energy. He explains how it’s an object energy of its mass that when it falls is coordinated with the energy of the earth’s energy is the reason it free falls at 9.8 meters a second. Yet still – even the great theory of Einstein’s gravity on earth does not explain why an object free falls at 9.8 meters a second.
We continue to look for reasons these forces math equations measure in the manner they resolve to measure but without question. The question of why an object free falls towards the planet’s surface at a specific velocity. Rodney Kawecki has reviewed these specifications and has come up with why surface masses all fall at the same state of velocity 9.8 meters a second. His explanation is as following:
We have to look at the force of gravity as a repulsive force as many physicists have over the decades. By doing this we put the theory of planetary gravity in a reverse position. An objects free falls towards the planet’s surface due to its weight as it falls its energy as Einstein predicts becomes in the position to be justified and measurable with the planets mass energy as relativity says it does. The initial difference is as the object free falls it gets heavier and heavier till it reaches the surface but as it falls its energy mass is recalculated by the presets of the planets energy and no matter the objects mass size they all fall at a specific speed 9.8 meters a second. If we look at this process of free fall as a repulsive source we discover that the planets energy is actually pushing the falling objects mass away from it but as it the object falls it gets heavier and heavier as it falls. The mass energy of the free fall object is counter played by the earths energy making all matter falling at the same rate of speed. But as the objects fall the pushing away force or freedom a planets mass is given due to the constant expansion of the universe as a whole allow the space in the earth’s atmosphere to push against the free fall of the objects energy mass making it fall at a specific velocity. As we review this definition for gravity as a repulsive force we are able to render where and how surface masses no matter their size all fall to the surface at a specific rate of speed 9.8 meters a second per second.
Relativity calculates the speed of inertia of any massive object to be the speed of light. What this says is that space like earth’s atmosphere is embodied as a whole as an equilibrium which as such anything in its space has a limited velocity. A distance so small as a planet’s atmosphere yet so great as a universe’s equilibrium realm yet the velocity of light is able in both places. In the earth’s atmosphere it is the gravity force that entangles how fast an object might travel yet in space an expanding space of 45 miles a second per 3 million light years distance is also limited by the speed of this light. The calculations earlier illustrate the difference in speeds a ship might travel having the ability to do so – based on light speed in space due to the expansion of the field an affect that for all reason affects everything existing in the realm of space as a whole.
We reside outside the universe’s event horizon as space expands making the distance between galaxies farther and farther away every second. Galactic matter as such grows deeper and deeper into the vacuum of that space. It is essential that we travel at a velocity that would otherwise keep us from getting away from a condition of space that at its wits gets farther and farther away from us. In this book I have re designed everything available on the web and other places that explain the misfortune of an expanding universe that continually gets bigger and have come up with what I believed to be the best way from which the strength it might take to bend space it is easier to manage a star Ship with engines built that can travel the distance and have the capacity to do so.
Space is warp - meaning it has been stretched, bent, twisted and curved and is out of its normal content. Its like taking an orange and smashing it. It’s still all there but not smooth and round as it was before. Beginning with the big bang event space was stretched, bent twisted and pulled apart but didn't break as such since the universe consist of everything in it that is observable the content of the space field is invisible but is flexible and allows distortion activities that normally wouldn't be allowed if it were smooth and pure as an element. Because space has been warp but retains the same ground field a ship can travel through its mobility area and advance acceleration that would meet with the space and its warp density value. This value has been measured as 450,000 m/s according with Hubble Recession galaxies and their velocities. Hubble theory defines galaxies expanding away from each other at speeds faster then light that violate the Einsteinian Speed Limit of light speed. Where light is mass less and has little to no mass is the fastest thing that travels in human knowledge and with these measurements is deemed as a universal constant. Hubble theory and arithmetic rendering their actual speeds in expansion by a new speed is rendered in scientific knowledge. But even though space is warp and its stretchable density value allows for faster than light space travel in a moving vessel - the ship still needs the force propulsion capacity. Relativity's infinite mass equations in Quanta Physics Theory do not apply in a zero point energy state where relativity's foundation is weighed with static energy equations and more so evidence. In a zero point micro gravity space field the only inertia applied to the ship is its own when reaching faster than light velocity. Though theories are based on light speed capacity it is force (F) Newton equations for propulsion and the value that enough engine technology could advance acceleration of s ship if space allowed it. Where relativity does not allow such speeds due to the light speed constant it would be possible if the propulsion capacity was met. For further readings on this theory read
Rodney Kawecki blogs...
The real space resides outside of the universe’s event horizon as its space expands making the distance between galaxies farther and farther away every second. The space map might show evidence that it is flat and if a spacecraft traveled in one specific direction it would finally at the end return right back to where it originally began. But this fabric flatland is still a three dimensional balloon. One travels as if it was a flatland cosmologically but it is really a three dimensional space adytum. Though the ship travels in a single specific direction one dimensional in a straight line – again or two dimensional up or down again in a straight line and back to three dimensional through the imagery of space in a straight line. This is important and very impartment when we speak about faster than light space travel in the equations you will soon read about – we travel in a specific most commonly straight direction of course turning having curves and back into a specific straight direction. But when we review the differences between three dimensional space travel and one or two dimensional travel through the three dimensional space field there exist no common inertia as would be in a three dimensional bubble that is sealed – the compartment is subtle but as in our case the bubble expands. Outside the bubble in a open free open compartment of space we can deem there is no cosmological consistency that results in a universal constant as relativity predicts. Initially the cosmic filed is flat land driven for are spacecraft in a one or two dimensional direction with unlimited velocity capable of its propulsion performance. Since we travel in a flatland direction the space we travel through is structured three dimensional and since the space element gravity velocity is zero point at its minimal direction of interaction with the moving object are ship the speed of space expansion is subtle and on it predictable at its greatest warp grid velocity meaning the fastest speed space itself will endure by a moving object.
In Quanta Physics Theory the space field warp endurance ranges from normal local velocity at rest and expands to 450,000 miles a second expanding to its greatest allowed velocity as such the fastest velocity of the galaxies moving away from each other is the universal constant or universal speed limit A speed limit that is designed by other entities in the cosmos projecting a faster velocity then common light.
Warp space also included by having an existing constant expansion velocity allows without interference's by outer existing inertia affects on its body commonly measuring zero in an open zero point warp space compartment allows also the pushing away of un-expecting inertial quantities in its acceleration. Since the ship builds its own inertial mass in a midfield empty space area that inertia along with the expansion of space as the ships acceleration generates into a greater speed will also gain its own inertial force against un-expected interference's in its path while it travels in an impressing fabric warp-age of the space fabric. As acceleration of the spacecraft increases starts a space element micro-space expanding in the flexible element finally when a speed close to the universal space limit is reached it will began contraction of the wave.
Friday, February 6, 2015
the big bang hasn't happen so whats the rush?
THE BIG UNIVERSE probability
by: rod kawecki 2015.02.06
some say he's a u.f.t. candidate he's gotta new force on the blink
Bubble or Balloons
We look at the birth of the universe as an explosion which usually means the end of things but when it comes to the universe the same explosion means the beginning of it. Why? Using Hubble Inflation theory the universe is growing - it’s expanding getting bigger. Like a baby the embryo doesn't fall apart it evolves and grows. Not a very good way to explain it but the truth is the truth. Our universe began when its debris passed through a weaken portal inside the dark matter element a multi-dimensional spawn of the negatively charge density. This density has a wavelength alignment which meets with material fabric outer cover it is outside this fabric surface that planetary matter exists. The portal matter passes through leaves behind it a black hole or fabric hole we find at the center of galaxies. Like all debris it has decayed - the decay coming out from the dark matter portal at the bubble surface is positive decay from negatively charged energy. This negative energy is hidden deep in the vacuum density of the bubble it resides in. As this negatively charged decay passes through the portal as a decay it physically transforms into a high dimensional positive energy matter. Passing outside into the empty vacuum space on the other-side of the bubble this infinitely high energy matter implodes transforming its physical nature as a negative decay substance in a open vacuum with zero point energy atmosphere space cold the high energy decay emits high energy heat melting its negative component into positive component energy it implodes because its infinite energy transformation as a negative decay substance cannot withstand an endless empty vacuum density realmage. The matter transformation substance reaches infinity and collapses in on itself it transforms into a energy matter.
In the entire universe was born. The force of pressure that followed behind the earlier matter debris that passed through the surface portal first filled an unknown outer zero point vacuum empty space space element substance with dense pressure possibly liquid pressure substance forming a expanding bubble behind the transforming matter that passed first through the portal. At first the hot matter during the transformation era grasped close to the balloon surface slowly cooling as the bubble continually grew and enlarged. At an early stage the space fabric the surface of the bubble acted repulsively towards the newly developing matter that grasp to its surface - an energy fluctuation occurred between these two entities as the fabric of the balloon surface extended a negative pushing away of the molding matter debris - causing it to spin at infinitely vast velocities shaping the matter into sphere like deities. Matter tells space where to go and space makes matter move. Vast sphere like galactic size masses formed above the bubble's surface grid. As these newly developed galactic sphere continued to cool inj the vast vacuum realm the energy from the spheres cool to an infinite state molding a frantic hot spot at the galactic century points abroad the bubble surface atmosphere - when the liquid cold vacuum atmosphere cooled the celestial matter close to infinitely cold along with the center of the sphere massive hot spot caused inside these primeval spheres to explode. This early activity of the universe's development formed a massive flatland of galaxies throughout infinite space.
To answer the question to whether or not the big bang event was an actual event explaining the birth of the universe I would have to answer that question with where the bubble which all material planetary matter resides with in motion exist and inflating I would wonder to what degree and length of time will exist before the balloon slowly stops, the balloon explodes or the universe infinitely continues I believe weighing the evidence that the big bang hasn't happen. As mankind theoretically strives towards the future it weighs it logic by examining its past by doing so I believe what we perceive as the universe's beginning is in reality a warning to a event of the future.
We can look at the early era universe as an event of infinitely fast interactions or events take away the sound of an explosion and you view the process of its event without the sound. Matter is pushed out of the black portal hole followed by vast pressure - pressure that even today is still expanding the universe. The matter having arrived first lies on top of an inflating bubble preceding it. At the earliest first seconds the matter is extremely boiling hot. It lies over and on top of the proceeding bubble and instantly begins to cool. Instantaneously the fabric surface of the bubble or inflating balloon begins making the cool rebidding matter instantaneously mold and spin. At the center matter cools with an in dense boiling center of mass called its hot point. It molds into independent sphere shape chunks of matter. As it cools further it’s outside shell cools as its outer shell freezes by the in dense cold empty vacuum. Cause and effect causes the gigantic galactic size spheres to explode. As part of the aftermath they become the observable galaxies we see abroad the cosmos.
Gravity travels at the speed of light anything traveling in that constant detects no inertia or its ripples and continues traveling without constant acceleration is the burden of Albert Einstein universal speed limit and infinite mass analogy. Constant acceleration means keeping your foot on the pedal like because a car traveling is affected by friction. Since the speed of gravity in space is constant and measures at the velocity of light our space car keeps going needs no constant acceleration which Albert Einstein believes creates the need for an infinite amount of energy energy for acceleration for its journey even to travel at speeds greater then light.
Space expands matter proportionate to its acceleration force meaning for every ton of acceleration the driver puts to the ships pedal space adds that same amount of acceleration push with the ship. Everything in the universe including space all operated in its beginning stages with a process forming the universe at an extreme rate of speed. A speed that as the universe evolved slowly slowed down over time but the rate of its creation measured at velocities far faster than the speed of light. We can safely agree that when the universe was very young and slowly developing that the event and stages occurred at a vast rate of speed simply based on the manner of which the galaxies formed the planets and the stars. We can also based this strategy with the fact that what Einstein defines in physics gravity that everything developed in the process of its creation everything that exist in the universe its pressure the vacuum planetary matter ordinary matter were subject to be formed under the stress and tension of the fabric of space that the fabric of space acts as the foundation from which everything in the universe were subject to as its repulsion pushing force we know causes planetary sphere’s to twist and function mobile is what weighs how dense the universe was from the beginning.
Friday, January 23, 2015
What is E=mq²
They Thought He Couldn't Do It !
But he has !
The difference between a beam of light and mass............................
This problem in relativity is problematic...meaning having to do with equal math not mass....v has no mass at all therefore it cannot formulate with c which in this equation c equals e used for force or propulsion which is its value of course e does have mass but that doesn't mean c can't be pushed faster than c...does it? In Einstein's equations v has a limit because of e energy, which means e is limited by v - all the energy in the world can’t exceed c in relativity seems to mean no energy no matter how great cannot exceed the speed of light c/v.
From the last few paragraphs you have just read lets rethink the impossibility. Relativity says e would have to have infinite mass. But from the earlier paragraphs in SPACE the vacuum in an empty field meaning away from any celestial mass astronomically far away from any celestial mass the (space)field measures zero density. Our ship in such a field also measures zero because there exist no greater density than that of the field space we are traveling through and are in. Our ship will therefore not increase in mass because the field density never changes – it is neither greater because of a planet atmosphere density nor is it less because of such change in field density.
Since the gravity density of space is zero an infinite amount of e is interchangeable with the zero point density of the space field. What this means is our ship in earths 1G field density to travel close to the speed of light needs a specific amount of propulsion capacity. On earth that amount measures c. v the velocity we want to reach because space and (weight) cause by friction or gravity are interchangeable defined measurable by the density of the field which equals f and because the density of earth’s gravity field is equal to 1G, the target v/c is reached in earth’s gravity field where e is achieved. In relativity Einstein assumes that gravity is the same everywhere in the universe, that any change in the density of the field has no affect on the speed of the object. But we know that friction occurs and there exist an attraction on any object moving along the earth’s surface. We also know that what goes up also comes down. In relativity the c components of light which are the lack of mass in an ordinary object – are not affected by g which is gravity so c is the fastest anything can travel.
This logic is so easy to understand yet seems not believable because of r which is relativity. In r (relativity) Einstein talks about light having zero mass yet it is not light that is traveling at v/e, it is mass and mass we know that travels through g that we measure as 1G that slows the acceleration of the moving body does so at a specific rate. We observe Newton’s laws on earth and the constant of 1G to measure 9.8 meters a second. So an object on are planet’s surface all objects fall at a specific speed. Therefore e of a mass in free fall all abort weight which is converted to mass during momentum or acceleration of the object.
In space we rely on e as are common denominator when we defer the velocity of m, mass in space. Since the department of the space in the universe density is zero or 0G the stress both physical and kinetic value of e is changed from 1G on earth to 0G in space. W which is also lifted out from the equation due to e which on earth is comparable to e in space e becomes e2. In relativity E=mc². ( E?=m°c/v)
E in space equals zero. M the mass of the vessel in space also equals zero. c/v are interchangeable.
E (also meaning propulsion value source) on earth at 1G equals 2e ( or e + e = 2E) instead of e°. e + g = 2E. In space where the g density of the field is zero (g°) e now equals 2E. In space 2E =m° c/v. at the speed of light. 2E equals q in space equals c/v² where q because of (2E m°c²) E=mq where q in space is equal with 2E (e – g = 2E) q equals 2E v is 372,000 miles a second.
E=mq (q/v)
Gravity is measured by the density of the field in question if the field density is different than some other measurement G changes. At celestial planetary scaled usually based on a planet the density of the vacuum doesn’t change it is the density of the planet atmosphere its density from which its gravity measurement is equated.
On earth e the energy needed to propel to light speed e of an equal force to propel against g gravity was also needed. E becomes 2E. In space where m mass equals zero is not changed by any reason effecting e (e/m) energy mass on earth which was the force of g gravity in space v the velocity of our vessel having 2E (2e=mc) the speed of the ship has the ability to travel twice the speed of light with no real changes in relativity except the extension of e. If indeed the problem of infinite mass in relativity does exist in empty space it will at E=mq square you make the choice.
.................................................................................................................................................................. Problems in the Hubble Model?
The bubble theory in Hubble Theory is an inflating balloon - the problem lays in where is the pressure coming into the bubble at. Galaxies all seem to have a dark black hole at the deepest area of the galactic Milky Way Galaxy. Observations of Hubble's Inflating Balloon model shows a balloon inflation putting a mouth piece to inflate his balloon. My next book tells this story about our Universe but expands it as a point of origin. There should theoretically be a black hole for its nucleus somewhere preferably at the center of the universe leading into unknown territory the galactic model tells us that point and origin also rethought in my next book. So whats the difference between the galaxies and the universe singularity theories? I explain more on that in my next book. (Looking for advance publisher for my next title).
How the universe conserves its energy is also explained in this new book.
Referring back to E=mq which acts as a bi-product to special relativity and E=mc .. the earliest theories on energy and power mechanics disclose the proof in E=mq but like history doesn't explain everything about everything how a ship travels 80 years into the Infinite Future in Albert Einstein's space ship is a bi-product of his literature not originally a bi-product of its mathematics. See there just isn't the problem that Einstein can travel into the future but there's also the problem of traveling back from the future it seems doesn't exist in his scientific studied literature.
My next book will answer a lot of left over' question about the universe's origin using the Hubble model and expanding on Einstein's speed of light made of LIGHT space ship in detail as shown in this article
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