Tuesday, January 28, 2014


World of the Blue Planet Terra

      Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the largest of the terrestrial planets in the Solar System in terms of diameter, mass and density. It is also referred to as the World, the Blue Planet, and Terra. Home to millions of species, including humans, Earth is the only place in the universe where life is known to exist. The planet formed 4.54 billion years ago, and life appeared on its surface within a billion years.
       About 71% of the surface is covered with salt-water oceans, the remainder consisting of continents and islands; liquid water, necessary for all known life, is not known to exist on any other planet's surface. Earth's interior remains active, with a thick layer of relatively solid mantle, a liquid outer core that generates a magnetic field, and a solid iron inner core.
      Earth interacts with other objects in outer space, including the Sun and the Moon. At present, Earth orbits the Sun once for every roughly 366.26 times it rotates about its axis. This length of time is a sidereal year, which is equal to 365.26 solar days. The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted 23.4° away from the perpendicular to its orbital plane, producing seasonal variations on the planet's surface with a period of one tropical year (365.24 solar days). Earth's only known natural satellite, the Moon, which began orbiting it about 4.53 billion years ago, provides ocean tides, stabilizes the axial tilt and gradually slows the planet's rotation. Between approximately 4.1 and 3.8 billion years ago, asteroid impacts during the Late Heavy Bombardment caused significant changes to the surface environment.
      The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of air, which we call the atmosphere. It reaches near or over 600 kilometers (372 miles) from the surface of the Earth, so we are only able to see what occurs fairly close to the ground. Life on Earth is supported by the atmosphere, solar energy, and our planet's magnetic fields. The atmosphere absorbs the energy from the Sun, recycles water and other chemicals, and works with the electrical and magnetic forces to provide a moderate climate. The atmosphere also protects us from high-energy radiation and the frigid vacuum of space. An envelope of gas surrounding the Earth changes from the ground up. Four distinct layers have been identified using thermal characteristics (temperature changes), chemical composition, movement, and density.
      The bombardment of Earth nearly 4 billion years ago by asteroids as large as Kansas would not have had the firepower to extinguish potential early life on the planet and may even have given it a boost, says a new University of Colorado at Boulder study. Impact evidence from lunar samples, meteorites and the pockmarked surfaces of the inner planets paints a picture of a violent environment in the solar system during the Hadean Eon 4.5 to 3.8 billion years ago, particularly through a cataclysmic event known as the Late Heavy Bombardment about 3.9 million years ago. Although many believe the bombardment would have sterilized Earth, the new study shows it would have melted only a fraction of Earth's crust, and that microbes could well have survived in subsurface habitats, insulated from the destruction.
     "These new results push back the possible beginnings of life on Earth to well before the bombardment period 3.9 billion years ago "It opens up the possibility that life emerged as far back as 4.4 billion years ago, about the time the first oceans are thought to have formed" se physical evidence of Earth's early bombardment has been erased.
      Meteorites and the pockmarked surfaces of the inner planets show evidence of a violent environment in the solar system during the Hadean Eon 4.5 to 3.8 billion years ago, particularly through a cataclysmic event known as the Late Heavy Bombardment about 3.9 million years ago. Although many believe the bombardment would have sterilized Earth, the new study shows it would have melted only a fraction of Earth's crust, and that microbes could well have survived in subsurface habitats, insulated from the destruction.
      The possibility that life emerged as far back as 4.4 billion years ago, about the time the first oceans are thought to have formed" Because physical evidence of Earth's early bombardment has been erased by weathering and plate tectonics over the eons, the researchers used data from Apollo moon rocks, impact records from the moon, Mars and Mercury, and previous theoretical studies to build three-dimensional computer models that replicate the CU-Boulder researchers even cranked up the intensity of the asteroid barrage in their simulations by 10-fold -- an event that could have vaporized Earth's oceans. "Even under the most extreme conditions we imposed, Earth would not have been completely sterilized by the bombardment,"
      Instead, hydrothermal vents may have provided sanctuaries for extreme, heat-loving microbes known as "hyper thermophilic bacteria" following bombardments. If life had not emerged by 3.9 billion years ago, such underground havens could still have provided a "crucible" for life's origin on Earth.
       Researchers concluded subterranean microbes living at temperatures ranging from 175 degrees to 230 degrees Fahrenheit would have flourished during the Late Heavy Bombardment. The models indicate that underground habitats for such microbes increased in volume and duration as a result of the massive impacts. Some extreme microbial species on Earth today -- including so-called "unboilable bugs" discovered in hydrothermal vents in Yellowstone National Park -- thrive at 250 F.
Geologic evidence suggests that life on Earth was present at least 3.83 billion years ago.
      The history of the Earth describes the most important events and fundamental stages in the development of the planet Earth from its formation 4.6 billion years ago to the present day. Nearly all branches of natural science have contributed to the understanding of the main events of the Earth's past. The age of Earth is approximately one-third of the age of the universe.
      The earth was born a distilled planet until it would not have been completed and sterilized by the bombardment."  The cataclysmic event known as the Late Heavy Bombardment seems to physicists to be the most modernized predictable theory about how life began on Earth.  More so it seems to be the most acceptable theory.  It tells a story about our planet which adding possibly foreign alien element from space of new and different debris allows the idea that stardust may have been earth’s missing link to its evolutionary space period.  We review the unique possibilities about how life started and we picture a gigantic universe from which are little blue planet resides inside a larger galaxy.  Darkness bellows enlightened specks of light in a dark sky where on the other side of the planet the light from our ingenious sun blinds our species hindsight of what lays above us.
       As mentioned earlier – the planet rotates at 18.6 miles a second. Free fall acceleration is measured inside the earth’s gravity crest line that acts like a bubble surrounding the planet and measures free fall at .8 meters a second in the difference between them.
     As mentioned earlier the earth’s motion rotation velocity is 18.6 miles per second (not meters).  Free fall ‘acceleration’ is measured at 9.8 meters per second (not miles) and relatively of what gains the heavier element in the atmosphere of our planet at its surface measured inside the earth’s gravity crest line that acts like a bubble surrounding the planet and measures free fall at meters a second in the difference between them. Measured between the two equations act relative to one another based on they are clocked by the single second on the clock the difference in the earth’s rotation per miles each second acting on the earth elements inside the earth’s atmosphere cause the surface element mostly air, to ignite into an invisible weak force layering the planets inner atmosphere into a gradually gaining deeper tension and pressure as the atmosphere becomes more layered closer to the planets ground surface.
       Understanding this concept about earth gravity as a process we should look at the original deep fabric of empty space itself. Empty space fabric lays everywhere even between atom molecular structures as it was mixed inside through the earliest universe’s explosion called The Big Bang Event. Layered in space and what divides the celestial spheres abroad deep space measures zero point gravity in the comparison fabric that aligns and acts as the cause for positioning the planets and galaxy’s in space.  It is called The Fabric because all material deities, stars, planets, suns alike reside embedded within its grid.
     Embedded deep within the fabric space rotating disk plates lay large celestial galaxies, planets and stars to as mall as tiny virtual particles popping in and out hiding in the fabric element.  As the universe rotates as a motion material slow drag all material deities consisting of matter follow in a free mason elliptical space curvature dragging with the fabric itself. Impressed planetary matter push against the dark fabric causing it to twist and turn as mater paves its way into a consistent path through space. Orbiting an elliptical path matter builds up an celestial impression creating the turn-style mater into having physical concentrated weight properties. It is the dark element or existing empty fabric that sits adrift being dragged by the heavy galactic matter that was set in motion after the big bang event. Some physicists believe now that smaller bangs are what formed the already formed galactic matter and physically mixed with dark matter space billions of years later after the first cause.
     We can view the fabric of space as a dark ocean that sits adrift as matter celestial objects like a boat in earth oceans impress its stillness into it.  Likewise an object falling towards earth’s surface it falls through the same embedded fabric yet natural shielding of earth elements like its air, wind, heat cold vapor act as layers caused by the planets rotation in the same manner as matter in space causes space to bend as an impressed disk plate. The subject matter is not that all different comparing the two especially when we observe empty space or dark space as the underlying source element of cause.  In turn, the elements especially in empty space fabric cause the planets rotating against the universe’s spin increasing its weight into its impression in the fabric forming celestial density levels to intervene the matter solidity.
     The earth’s atmosphere is not empty but filled layered elements creating heavy pressure.  In the same way matter fills empty space into invisible impressed density space curvature. On earth on can surely feel the invisible layered air vapor in the atmosphere at the swing of a hand?  Still the question is asked ‘why do objects all fall at 9.8 meters a second Is it the earths influence acting against the dark fabric of space so unique it shields the planets elements into invisible layers that rotate in conjunction with the earth’s spinning 18.5 miles a second which velocity forms a heavy atmosphere impressing these elements in the empty fabric that actually is everywhere even in the earth’s atmosphere gravity ring that surrounds it. Remember in empty space the empty fabric is filled with planetary matter set in motion by the universe’s spin – pulling dark matter space along its trail not space pulling matter. Planet matter likewise the physical presence of earth elements filling its atmosphere would also act the same way and be impressed in the fabric as well.  Embedded in an elliptical path the atmosphere that builds its division against the fabric causing it to warp or twist is the same area the atmosphere resides forming its elements in heavier properties’.  Remember it is only ‘virtual particles’ that swim in and out through the dark fabric not anything else known to us.
       The earth’s gravity elements are not permanent enough that they create a deep elliptical passage outset. As the earth rotates miles per second the stillness of the elements are stirred into a chronic allusive membrane we call the atmosphere.  It is a fully graded atmosphere membrane from which protects the planet surface from space.  
    It might not seem like it, but air has weight. Anything with mass has weight, and we know air has mass because (for example) we can feel it when the wind blows.  The total weight of the atmosphere exerts a pressure of about 14.7 pounds per square inch at sea level. You don't notice this weight, however, because you are used to it.
The atmosphere of Venus is about 90 times heavier than that on Earth.
     The total weight of the atmosphere exerts a pressure of about 14.7 pounds per square inch at sea level. You don't notice this weight, however, because you are used to it. If you live in Denver, Colorado, which is at an elevation of about 5,000 feet, then about 85% of the atmosphere is above you, resulting in an air pressure of about 12.5 pounds per square inch. At the top of Mount Everest (over 29,000 feet), only 30% of the atmosphere lies above you, leaving an air pressure of only 4.4 pounds per square inch.
    Lightning is produced in thunderstorms when liquid and ice particles above the freezing level collide, and build up large electrical fields in the clouds. Once these electric fields become large enough, a giant "spark" occurs between them (or between them and the ground) like static electricity, reducing the charge separation. The lightning spark can occur between clouds, between the cloud and air, or between the cloud and ground, cloud-to-ground lightning. Cloud membranes fall out of hindsight path and collide with another thunderstorm cloud usually thunderstorms are very much windy.
      Twenty miles per second is quite fast for a planet velocity to rotate at. More so when we think about how the big bang event caused the mixture of empty space at the molecular level. The explosion event had to be very great and enormous to think that everything existing out there is from a point one singularity event.
      Any object passing through the planet’s atmosphere membrane undergoes falling through specific layering’s slowly getting thinner at the top closest to outer space and more so heaviest at the bottom surface.  Since the planet’s atmosphere acts as a membrane as a whole we can speculate that the falling gravity layers are formed from the more intense membrane surface layers.  Since the free fall of the object velocity increases each second of time it falls – than  the degree of concentration in the layers intensify relative to the planet rotation velocity each second.  
    The free fall elliptical pattern acts as a staircase allowing the object to fall increasing velocity doubling it every second 9.8 meters.  Finally dependent to its actual physical weight for example – the thrust of a mountainside waterfall rushing downwards towards the surface enlightened mist water drops spray to the wayside less massive than the bulk of water falling. The spray slowly diminishes away as it becomes lighter than the moistened air around it. 
      There exists a specific point of an objects free fall velocity where the object will no longer gain speed. It is when the objects actual weight meets equal to its allowed speed limit during free fall. Its velocity meets with a specific speed limit with the free fall and it no longer will gain velocity as it continues falling. Weight equals velocity per second called ‘Terminal Velocity”.  Like the mist in the waterfall – the objects weight becomes equal with the air mass layers inside the membrane atmosphere. Depending on how large and heavy an object actually weighs will it meet terminal velocity during the free fall. An object weight can be greater than the heavy atmosphere of the earth membrane.  Since the earth spin at 20 miles per second and quite fast for its atmosphere – it is very unlikely that any object will fall straight forward to its surface. Again, the objects weight should outweigh the concentrated air pressure of the elements in the planets membrane and would rely mostly on the objects free fall velocity if it were great or its actual weight mass as it falls.
     The explanation about the gravity force and its affects render an allusive entre with energy. A lightning bolt is caused by two thunderclouds colliding into each other’s elliptical passage creating a spark large enough to form into a bolt of lightning heavier than the atmosphere mass membrane ignites towards the ground.
     Constituting 78.09% by volume of Earth's atmosphere nitrogen is a common element in the universe, estimated at about seventh in total abundance in our galaxy and the Solar System. It is synthesized by fusion of carbon and hydrogen in supernovae. Due to the volatility of elemental nitrogen and its common compounds with hydrogen and oxygen, nitrogen is far less common on the rocky planets of the inner Solar System, and it is a relatively rare element on Earth as a whole. However, as on Earth, nitrogen and its compounds occur commonly as gases in the atmospheres of planets and moons that have atmospheres.
      Many industrially important compounds, such as ammonia, nitric acid, organic nitrates (propellants and explosives), and cyanides, contain nitrogen. The extremely strong bond in elemental nitrogen dominates nitrogen chemistry, causing difficulty for both organisms and industry in converting the N² into useful compounds, but at the same time causing release of large amounts of often useful energy when the compounds burn, explode, or decay back into nitrogen gas.
     Nitrogen occurs in all organisms, primarily in amino acids (and thus proteins) and also in the nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). The human body contains about 3% by weight of nitrogen, the fourth most abundant element in the body after oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen. The nitrogen cycle describes movement of the element from the air, into the biosphere and organic compounds, then back into the atmosphere.
    Molecular energy mass is a strong force which hold particle molecular structures intact as a whole or chunk of mass. Where energy masses related to matter retain a center of mass due to their content – it is unlikely that energy mass acts as a weak force sometimes related to the weak gravity force. Energy can be said to be tried into matter as an electrical terminological substance or mass rather than a gravity post datum.
      It would also seem to matter that “Attraction” illustrated by Isaac Newton in 1667 known as Newtonian Physics may not at all be as true as presented to the public.  That the larger bulk of multiple masses would be received faster than the lesser mass object but evidence shows otherwise. All objects no matter their physical size and nature all free fall at the same velocity 9.8 meters a second it is also shown that objects (asteroids) for instance gain weight as well as acceleration as they travel to the surface of a planet. The only other acceptable version to this theory about free fall is that if the object as an accelerated asteroid or comet traveling at a velocity un-parallel with earth’s acting element pressure and traveled at rates per second in thousandths of miles per second than velocity intervenes as the controlling disorder and an object like an asteroid could free fall in a specifically measurable straight line to its target the earth’s surface. This would be the free fall gravity accretion.
     When we review the aspects of “Terminal Velocity “at the interstellar field rate of travel we resolve the indifference by discovering that it is terminal velocity that retains the sole speed of a traveling object through space. The weight and measures stem from that philosophy. Using Pluto as the targeted planet a traveling asteroid might shatter due to the planets resistance (gravity).  According to Newton theory the asteroid is attracted to the planet illustrating attraction or a welcome to free falling assignments but as we review this Newtonian idea it retains little logic.  Even Einstein’s theory of energy mass gravity (star) like poles like in energy repel not attract.  Postal to attraction the asteroid is not welcome to the planet surface. It travels by a retained velocity according to its mass-weight as it travels through zero energy (Z.P.E) atmosphere emptiness. As the asteroid reaches Pluto atmosphere its speed is counteracted upon by the planets resistance to its intrusion. Energy like the asteroid and planet chemistry repel not attract. As a positive energy type or due to the new planet’s atmosphere which is very heavy as it creates a dome type protective atmosphere around the planet rock. If the planet atmosphere elements are strong enough not relative to its energy type chemistry the governing layers that stretches out towards zero point space might shatter the asteroid before it hits ground. If not its obtained governing weight will increase haven come out of terminal velocity when it arrived from space?
     As we exceed into the matrix’s of velocity in zero point gravity pace we are appointed with the sensation of a time matrix constant that everything in the universe or possibly different in another galaxy is predetermined by “TIME”.  A Pulsar Star impulse waves operate as a time interval based on a single second of time. Along with what Einstein derived as the ‘universal constant” relative to velocity we cannot overlook the fact about time that the velocity is encountered by a constant of time as in the Pulsar Star activity. In this galaxy and perhaps the whole universe we are met by a matrix constant of time at second by second intervals that act as a base line for all formal matrix and energy content. Velocity in space changes to easier intervals to use seconds as a baseline instead of hours when we review the great distances of astronomical space travel. Propulsion values are met by the assessment of the engine power rather than the idea that “light” is the essence of the material spacecraft, it is not light we are talking about but the propulsion value to push a fruitarian spacecraft to the limits.
    It is not a light beam that is pushing our ship through space but the propulsion capacity that exceeds in Quanta Physics Theory into a faster than light scenario. The value of using time on a matrix table is the ability to advance the impulse waves into units smaller than a second or greater for the value of interaction defenses. Is it that light is the constant for velocity or is it that time is the constant for advancements in both time and space?
    Aside from the value grade for terminal velocity escape velocity is the speed an object must be given to escape from the Earth is 25,300 mph."   The distance to space is small – space isn’t very far away. You would have to get pretty close to Earth to be able to see the thin atmosphere surrounding our planet.   
    The reality is that there is no clear boundary between the Earth and outer space. As you climb in altitude, the atmosphere gets less dense as you go. You need to get about 350 km (220 miles) above the Earth’s surface to get to the point where a spacecraft can orbit the planet. Any lower than that, and the spacecraft will bump into too much atmosphere to remain in orbit very long.
     Where a free falling surface object size mass falls doubling its velocity each second it continues to fall and its velocity is only able to accelerate from 9.8 meters per second to 19.6 meters per second and so on – as time relative to the free fall continues.  In the same instance, we discover that in space a spacecraft traveling light velocity without the presence of any type of regular gravity unity like earth’s 9.8 meters – in space traveling light speed actually means traveling at 372,000 miles a second.  Why is this? It is based on the lack of gravity or lack of propulsion that occurs relative to Einstein speed constant that limits light velocity arithmetic.  In space where as a vacuum space measures zero point gravity or E=mv²-g² (v²) the equation can be viewed without the affection of mass Ep=v²/-g² without any limitations. Considering the big bang event happened and is greater than the light constant value – within the space grid we can safely assume velocities faster than light are possible especially when we intervene with the lack of any gravity presence in space. The pressure bending space so to speak – illustrates a greater energy (propulsion) value than the light constant as well by itself assuming galaxy’s present and impressing on the fabric also are to be included. Planetary galactic alike matter curves and bends space relative to the universe’s orbitration and or speed assumed relative to light velocity pushing against the dark fabric of space. It does not rip through but only is allowed to impress against it.  Since lacking the quantity of gravity in a vacuum space allows acceleration to increase based on the capacity of propulsion even at light speed measures more in the mathematics deciphered in Quanta Physics Theory and 372,000 miles a second speed and difference to the light speed limit.
     Where planets curve space a spacecraft traveling faster than light can only curve and twist the fabric as well especially comparing its size and weight with a planet, star or galaxy. The structure of the impression does not change just because it is a ship traveling through space and or the deeper fabric of it. Creating a wormhole bending and twisting through the fabric only short runs the distance traveling atop the fabric where galaxies, planets and stars form a definite fabric curvature between the deities of space. A wormhole is just that a short cut through the fabric traveling through un-seeable terrain within passing through the fabric from a surface towards a distance planet rather than traveling around atop the fabric surface.  Work distilled by Rod Kawecki 2013 has discovered that the possibility of time travel using the wormhole method may not be possible. He has discovered that if the fabric of space which holds gigantic galaxies amidst space leaning against the fabric of space than how can a spacecraft rip through it. A wormhole allows traveling from point 'a' to point 'b' opening up at the destination nearby some planet on the coordinates. But if the fabric of space does not even allow great gigantic planets, stars or even galaxies to rip through how can a spacecraft?
Does Gravity Travel at the Speed of Light?
      To begin with, the speed of gravity has not been measured directly in the laboratory--the gravitational interaction is too weak, and such an experiment is beyond present technological capabilities.  The "speed of gravity" thought to be a single particle must be deduced from astronomical observations, and the answer depends on what model of gravity one uses to describe those observations.
       In the simple Newtonian model, gravity propagates instantaneously: the force exerted by a massive object points directly toward that object's present position.  For example, in space even though the Sun is 500 light seconds from the Earth, Newtonian gravity describes a force on Earth directed towards the Sun's position "now," not its position 500 seconds ago.  Putting a "light travel delay" (technically called "retardation") into Newtonian gravity would make orbits unstable, leading to predictions that clearly contradict Solar System observations.
     In general relativity, on the other hand, gravity propagates at the speed of light; that is, the motion of a massive object creates a distortion in the curvature of space time that moves outward at light speed.  This might seem to contradict the Solar System observations described above, but remember that general relativity is conceptually very different from Newtonian gravity, so a direct comparison is not so simple.  Strictly speaking, gravity is not a "force" in general relativity, and a description in terms of speed and direction can be tricky.  For weak fields, though, one can describe the theory in a sort of Newtonian language.  In that case, one finds that the "force" in GR is not quite central--it does not point directly towards the source of the gravitational field--and that it depends on velocity as well as position.  The net result is that the effect of propagation delay is almost exactly cancelled, and general relativity very nearly reproduces the Newtonian result.
      Kawecki Gravity is altogether different from the two.  Kawecki asserts the dominion mass pulling nearby planets and stars towards but is contradicted by the universe’s spin pulling everything out towards its edges. The solar system or any system in the universe and or galaxy thereby is impressed in the fabric holding it tight against the fabric it leans into. The solar system orbits and or rotates due to the universe spinning in an orbitration motion at light speed. Light speed in Quanta Physics seems to mean that after the big bang little bang events taken place in the universe -  the universe slowed to a specific velocity that seems to be a universal coordinated speed in the vacuum minus zero point gravity. The idea that gravity can be a basis for electricity properties is therefore a part of no the universe geometrics but a state of chemical properties instead. Instead molecular mass is the frequency that holds matter together also known as matter/energy.
    This cancellation may seem less strange if one notes that a similar effect occurs in electromagnetism.  If a charged particle is moving at a constant velocity, it exerts a force that points toward its present position, not its retarded position, even though electromagnetic interactions certainly move at the speed of light.  Here, as in general relativity, subtleties in the nature of the interaction "conspire" to disguise the effect of propagation delay.  It should be emphasized that in both electromagnetism and general relativity, this effect is not put in ad hoc but comes out of the equations.  Also, the cancellation is nearly exact only for constant velocities.  If a charged particle or a gravitating mass suddenly accelerates, the change in the electric or gravitational field propagates outward at the speed of light.
     Since this point can be confusing, it's worth exploring a little further, in a slightly more technical manner.  Consider two bodies--call them A and B--held in orbit by either electrical or gravitational attraction.  As long as the force on A points directly towards B and vice versa, a stable orbit is possible.  If the force on A points instead towards the retarded (propagation-time-delayed) position of B, on the other hand, the effect is to add a new component of force in the direction of A's motion, causing instability of the orbit.  This instability, in turn, leads to a change in the mechanical angular momentum of the A-B system.  But total angular momentum is conserved, so this change can only occur if some of the angular momentum of the A-B system is carried away by electromagnetic or gravitational radiation.
     Now, in electrodynamics, a charge moving at a constant velocity does not radiate.  (Technically, the lowest order radiation is dipole radiation, which depends on the acceleration.)  So, to the extent that A's motion can be approximated as motion at a constant velocity, A cannot lose angular momentum.  For the theory to be consistent there must therefore be compensating terms that partially cancel the instability of the orbit caused by retardation.  This is exactly what happens; a calculation shows that the force on A points not towards B's retarded position, but towards B's "linearly extrapolated" retarded position.  Similarly, in general relativity, a mass moving at a constant acceleration does not radiate (the lowest order radiation is quad-rupole), so for consistency, an even more complete cancellation of the effect of retardation must occur.  This is exactly what one finds when one solves the equations of motion in general relativity.
     While current observations do not yet provide a direct model-independent measurement of the speed of gravity, a test within the framework of general relativity can be made by observing the binary pulsar PSR 1913+16.  The orbit of this binary system is gradually decaying, and this behavior is attributed to the loss of energy due to escaping gravitational radiation.  But in any field theory, radiation is intimately related to the finite velocity of field propagation, and the orbital changes due to gravitational radiation can equivalently be viewed as damping caused by the finite propagation speed.  (In the discussion above, this damping represents a failure of the "retardation" and "non-central, velocity-dependent" effects to completely cancel.)
     The rate of this damping can be computed, and one finds that it depends sensitively on the speed of gravity.  The fact that gravitational damping is measured at all is a strong indication that the propagation speed of gravity is not infinite.  If the calculation framework of general relativity is accepted, the damping can be used to calculate the speed, and the actual measurement confirms that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light to within 1%.  (Measurements of at least one other binary pulsar system, PSR B1534+12, confirm this result, although so far with less precision.)
     Are there future prospects for a direct measurement of the speed of gravity?  One possibility would involve detection of gravitational waves from a supernova.  The detection of gravitational radiation in the same time frame as a neutrino burst, followed by a later visual identification of a supernova, would be considered strong experimental evidence for the speed of gravity being equal to the speed of light.  However, unless a very nearby supernova occurs soon, it will be some time before gravitational wave detectors are expected to be sensitive enough to perform such a test.

The Grandfather Paradox
 (Revised 2012 by this author)

          The Grandfather Paradox known by the works of Albert Einstein in 1905 work is the first to suggest time travel into the infinite future. His work also explains the truce to space exploration and the fact that interstellar space seems to be the open entre domain for earth's future. Aside traveling from LA to New York this planet is getting very full of people places and things. For just not that reason space exploration seems to be are only exit. But Einstein's ideas about space travel have some problems that need to be worked out. This is the reason for the paradox. For this reason along with others more technical I will introduce myself. My name is Rodney Kawecki. I am a new author whom believes he holds the fate of future space exploration at his fingertips. Not literally but scientifically.
     Einstein known to be the father of modern physics was a genius but still he didn't know everything and he knew it. But his predictions are noted as scientifically accepted and factual. My work on the other hand is - not publically worldwide known - but should be. The reason is for faster than light speed technology research and involvements to advance physics that should be noted. You see Einstein put a speed limit on universal space flight. My theory on the other hand changes this - and allows for faster than light space travel. The common denominator between my theory and Einstein's is dark matter. Even though Einstein does not directly say dark matter is the underlining element of all material matter and or energies that exist universally. I do. Gravity for instance Einstein claims is a force field - energy type with waves. Electronically waves existing that should be detectable but aren't. But the grandfather paradox he explains fails in Quanta Physics Theory. The reason is stated in this article. Time always flows forwards - never backwards.
      If anything there does exist a time paradox in time travel. A time paradox includes information that leads the physicists to believe that while traveling backwards in time is possible - there includes the problem of changing the past. When we review the ethics of time we are also reviewing its paradox simultaneous imagery. What this means is that in today’s advance physics we know that light travels at 186,000 miles a second per second. That it is light that is known to be the fastest known particle structure in the Universe. From Albert Einstein's studies he concluded that there exist a time a paradox with it.
     The time paradox involves the distance of light having the ability to be at its lengths in two places at the same time. Einstein called this action a simultaneous effect. For the matter of understanding this hypothesis we have to look at light from a perspective that it retains two ends: a beginning and an end. Lights beginning includes the fact that when a light pulse is emitted that a second later and all at once. The pulse reaches its end at almost the same time it starts. This is to say that within a second frame of time - the pulse will exhibit itself simultaneously at two places at the same time. This is faster than anything we can conceive about except in Quantum Mechanics, which measures any infinite basic length to meet with what is called the Planck scale - over a billion billionths of a centimeter.
     With this in mind we can look at light as a means to be in two places at the same time in real time. Traveling backwards through the fourth dimension allows for a journey through time based on this analogy predicted by Einstein in 1905. So the fact remains that if someone had the ability to travel at close to the speed of light. He or she could travel through time - time in the infinite future as Einstein predicted and backwards as well as foretold in Quanta Physics. It is with the mathematics in Quantum mechanics that this analogy can be explained at different the segments of time. Sort of like saying that this time line can be understood more clearly in frames relative to the Planck scale.
     Traveling at speeds faster than light have been discovered in real time by Kawecki Quanta Physics that predicts the analog of being able to travel back into the universes past at a time relative to the time yourself existed before the time of the launch of which you traveled back into the past. The paradox of seeing yourself is a real one. But the idea of changing history is not. This is because the time line of which you traveled from is part of the future you used to travel backwards through time into the past. The super lateral paradox by Einstein does not exist. The fact of the matter is that when you traveled from the future you traveled from the future that already existed. Trying to change this fact is impossible. But the idea that if you that's say murder yourself in a place in the planets past will change your own future will not happen, at least not in this life time. The reason is because your future already exist thereby killing yourself in this future event in your own life will only leave the impression that a murder took place and if you were caught you'd go to jail. But by the time any time travel becomes possible - it will far off in the planets future that any type of time travel crimes will take place.
     It’s based on the idea that Einstein believed time travel to be a loop back in 1905 that he retained his theories on time travel. The fact is that he believed that as a loop - time instantaneously traveled from the 'now' or present strictly backwards without having to travel towards the future to travel into the past as explained in Quanta Physics theory or Q.P.T. The fact remains that he thought that time travel was a two-legged faucet, where a single joint of water is tapped at both ends: one in the future and two the past. He believed time could be reversed physically from the present. Instead of traveling forwards one could travel backwards like one walking on the sidewalk. He thought that since traveling backwards into the past may be possible. That the same person on the sidewalk could actually be walking backwards due to the forwards arrow of time thus traveling backwards in time. As such everything it takes to travel into the future is eliminated in traveling into the past. He designed what are called wormholes and traveling through distorted space as a means to make up for the difference. But the fact is that time travel is conducted by traveling with the arrow of time forwards into the future and increasing to faster than light space velocities this allows traveling faster than the rotation of the planets.
Truth or Fact:
    Traveling faster than a planet's rotation to achieve a velocity sounds quite incredible. But the theory in mathematics coincides. These types of facts are what theory is developed from. The speed of light is quite fast also. But the facts render this possibility as an effort to visit other worlds aboard open space. Light speed is quite slow when we research the facts that render the total possibilities of space flight. In my third book I will explain this possibility. The light speed travel limit created by Albert Einstein in relativity fails in Quanta Physics Study. The facts render the truth to evidence for the theory. If we look at the whole big picture like string theory has tried to open up to us - we'll discover a collision of universes in multiple terms of definition is really a big Universe equals like ten of them making a single Universe where we live today. This is fantastic wouldn't you say.

     Time actually in theory lags behind from the time of the event the future time traveler causes in the past. The future doesn’t change except after the date of the past event the traveler journeyed to change history from. The local time frame and predictable futuristic time line continues.
Lacking of grounds for connection chemistry for the paradox
      The earth’s surface motion activity in the planet’s atmosphere density and element particles the planet rotates at 18.5 miles a second…measuring this velocity with the light speed limit 186,000 miles a second earth gravity acts as a weak force turning at only 9.8 meters a second in the spin. Using the earlier planetary velocity chart gravitons pressed against the fifth element vacuum space:
186.000 m/s
-18.5 m/s
Equal: 1,000 gravity tons

     We can consider these equations with the planet at rest not including the universe’s angular spin attraction towards the outer rim and or the galactic attraction of the solar system dragged towards the galactic outer rim. These actions contradict the dominion sun’s attraction towards its gravity well. It is this action that the planets and stars in systems are aligned from being collapsed towards a leading dominion star like our sun throughout the universe. The idea that a 1,000 graviton’s the energy of a thousand earth’ planets and gravity ton’s per square inch mathematically measures equal to the proportionate mass of one of our suns the mass of our sun eq. 100,000 g tons measures the amount of energy mass it would take to penetrate and meet the criteria to time travel into the earths past. The problem that there exist no connection between the earth physical motion and our space ship retaining the capacity propulsion value to make such a journey there exist no physical connection that could account for the physical chain reaction or change parallel activity to make it happen except empty space.
   The only probable possibility for time travel in today’s science exists on the theory that a portal wormhole inside the planets motional atmosphere could a physical connection be made.  The galactic universe matter drags empty space fabric with it as it spins angular momentum. In turn – the galaxies pull and circular planets and stars inside its domain. Inside the solar systems that exist more orbital activity takes place amongst the intermediate planets like what happening in our solar system today. This type of connection is what creates a time arrow coordinates we measure time with using the physical rotations and orbits of our planets. Cutting to the chase – we see that a space ship trying to change time venturing a time travel journey sits dormant in empty space without any real physical connection with the planets around it dominion. The effect our sun has on our nine planets is caught in a physical cycle it retains with all the planets in its domain.  An existing space craft retains no physical connection like that. It resides local adrift the cosmos. For time to physically change the space ship would have to be powerful enough to slow drag the existing and connecting planetary spheres and control their orbit in exchange. Make them rotate backwards by pulling the whole solar system into a reverse attraction spin making them orbit and rotate in the opposing direction they are universally set by.  For s ship even having he capacity to travel light speed exist no real possibility to this type of space maneuverability.
    Time travel on earth even inside the earth’s motion atmosphere chambers would have to have the capacity to slowly reverse the physical nature of earth elements and activity. The primary activity would have to be at a global scale and not intermediate to a single room or lab or sort. To understand the concept to time travel more deeply observe using a passage wormhole as relativity asserts. The physical nature of the fabric itself illustrates that not even a star or planet, galaxy or nebula can pen titrate through the fabric grid. And in order to time travel this activity would have to apply. On a flat surface like our earth ocean passing above this grid is our space craft passing through a wormhole means passing into the ocean liquid itself through a developed portal or the ship pulling through the water under the surface grid. It travels and surfaces somewhere else a distance away on the surface there but is a little more complex than that explanation. Our ship travels into the wormhole passing through the portal towards the direction of its destination planet. But like the planets, stars and even the weight of galaxies don’t penetrate the surface grid but only maneuver in orbit and rotation pulled by the angular spin they developed in the first place by the weight of their mass or masses. The universe generating an angular orbit slow drag of cosmos matter they do not penetrated the grid surface.  The logic of this explanation alerts us as space explorers that specifically the surface grid cannot be penetrate at any polarity or speed as shown to us by the big bang theory itself. A creating occurrence that spun atop a surface grid impressing its presence on top the grip surface forming elliptical dents which by physical terminology and theory penetration can only occur through the physical rebirth of cosmos entity celestial type pulling through the grid developing a physical flat surface type on it to exist. Wormhole technology is still theoretically inconclusive to date.  

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