Saturday, April 1, 2017


                        Kawecki Universe

      This video explains a new era in cosmology science. Known as  The Quanta Physics Theory Rodney Kawecki  tells why Albert Einstein Relativity theories have debunked.
   In this video he tells the story of a later theory that later was found incorrect. But over the decades has gone unnoticed by the scientific community. Well now you will hear the short story. I
    Rodney Kawecki has reexamined the literature as Edwin Hubble did in 1946 wen discovered the truth.
    Rodney Kawecki has journeyed beyond infinity by Blog. The jury is in and new equations and mathematical sums have been exposed for public novice.
    Is E = mc. Debunked by new information? Is the speed of light discovered NOT the fastest speed available? And finally what travels faster?
     If the speed of light no longer stands as the fastest know deity of this world than what is. And if there exist something that
travels faster does this mean there doesn't exist time travel as many believe and there is no fourth dimension, the planets aren't clocks anymore and time is thus universal.
                    Relativity is wrong .

                  The truth is out there

     The author Rodney Kawecki has written five books that explain faster than light space travel. He is said to have the equations that explain a three dimensional Expanding Universe and a formula explaining just how fast human mankind can travel though space.