Saturday, April 18, 2015

Einstein's Third Gate


 by: R Kawecki

     Over one day to extract simplicity out of complexity? If others could have given us special relativity, who else but Einstein, sixty-four years ago, could have given us general relativity? Who else knew out of the welter of facts to fasten on that which is absolutely central? Did the central point come to him, as legend has it, from talking to a house painter who had fallen off a roof and reported feeling weightless during the fall? We all know that he called that 1908 insight the "happiest thought of my life"— the idea that there is no such thing as gravitation, only free-fall.


     Einstein won gravitation as a manifestation of a warp in the geometry of space. His 1915 and still standard geometric theory of gravitation is summarized the way we know today, in a single, simple sentence: "Space tells matter how to move and matter tells space how to curve."  Through his insight that there is no such thing as gravity, he had had the creative imagination to bring to get her two great currents of thought out of the past. Riemann had stressed that geometry is not a God-given perfection, but a part of physics; and Mach had argued that acceleration makes no sense except with respect to frame determined by the other masses in the universe.


    The three famous early tests of Einstein's geometric theory of gravitation: the bending of light by the sun, the red-shift of light from the sun, and the precession of the orbit of the planet Mercury going around the sun. Neither is it necessary to expound the important insights that have come and continue to come out of general relativity. Einstein showed that the law for the motion of a mass in space and time does not have to be made a separate item.


    The collapse at the center of a black hole marks a third " gate of time," additional to the big bang and the big crunch. Einstein tried to escape all three. Two years after general relativity, Einstein was already applying it to cosmology. He gave reasons to regard the universe as closed and qualitatively similar to a three dimensional sphere, the three-dimensional generalization of the surface of a rubber balloon.


    To his surprise, he found that the universe is dynamic and not static. Einstein could not accept this result. First, he found fault with Alexander Friedmann's mathematics. Then he retracted this criticism, and looked for the fault in his own theory of gravitation. It turned out there was no natural way to change that theory. The arguments of simplicity and correspondence in the appropriate limit with the Newtonian theory of gravitation left no alternative. There being no natural way to change the theory, he looked for the least unnatural way he could find to alter it. He introduced a so-called "cosmological term" with the sole point and purpose to hold the universe static. A decade later, Edwin Hubble, working at Mount Wilson Observatory, gave convincing evidence that the universe is actually expanding. Thereafter, Einstein remarked that the cosmological term "was the biggest blunder of my life."*


    In December 1978 announced impressive evidence.*One does not need to go into the theory of gravitationally collapsed objects or the evidence we have today, some impressive, some less convincing, for black holes: one of some ten solar masses in the constellation Cygnus; others in the range of a hundred or a thousand solar masses at the centers of five of the star clusters in our galaxy; one about four million times as massive as the sun at the center of the Milky Way; and one with a mass of about five billion suns in the center of the galaxy M87.


      How such a stellar BH ?(seed) could grow by 67 orders of magnitude in mass, in few hundred million years, is another daunting task given the limits on accretion. The idea, that a set of very specific physical conditions found only in the early Universe, In this study we refer to a black hole with mass > 106Mas supermassive.


     Explaining the first supermassive black holes could have allowed for the formation of massive seed black holes with masses in the range of 1045 M, could be a potential solution to this problem as the seed would now need to grow by only 3–4 orders of magnitude in mass to attain supermassive scales. Direct collapse (DC) channel of forming massive seed black holes aim of this is to understand the plausibility of the set of physical conditions required for direct collapse and its impact on the evolution of the first galaxies. A nick name theory addressed in The Quanta Physics Theory applauds a new theory that besides the big bang theory the universe was formed by the multiple collapse of the earliest spheres as in the result of a black hole explanation here and nick named “The Popcorn Universe Theory and which addresses the probability that matter manifested through the brethrens three-dimensional generalization  surface of a rubber balloon as prehistoric spheres (seeds) called ‘embryus’ procured out of the fabric surface mass not as a single bang as in the big bang theory but as in an multiple entre of  young spheres that manifested later into the existing galaxies saw today a beginning entre point of over 13.8 billion years ago.   The emphasis is on understanding how frequently do the conditions required for DC occur at z > 6 and not on the actual formation process itself occurs it’s more analogical to understand that the early prehistoric universe was by the independent formation of the galaxies forming and not as a singularity theory.


    The birth of the Milky Way comes from the measurable collapse mass of a gigantic black hole one with a mass of about five billion suns as the one in the center of the galaxy M87  is  evidence from relativity that the galaxy is the aftermath of a massive collapsed deity. (embryus) Black holes what are they? Where do they come from? And what are they for? To some it is thought to be what is called The Big Gun a portal where matter arrived through the fabric of space the manifestation of the cosmic egg to some. There exist no evidence on which way the black hole is spinning whether inwards or outwards.  Assumed to come from a galactic collapse the portal is assuming matter and energy towards it and not away from it. A collapse followed by a bang allows matter to be formed creating dense matter.


     The follow up on black holes is the fact that the deities formed in the galactic realms are all shaped in a round model whether it be a star or a planet inside the galaxy. Evidence has shown that these spheres like our own earth seem to be growing in size and mass they are getting bigger. It seems most likely that these spheres are manifestations of a cosmic egg or embryus egg making the idea that beginning from the big bang event that all matter assumed a analogical molecular inflation as described in the big bang theory to some it seems more likely that the spheres made at the galactic level bangs are actually rounded shape some sort of physical growing egg.


    Two years after general relativity, Einstein was applying special relativity to cosmology. He gave reasons to regard the universe as closed inside of the balloon and qualitatively similar to a three sphere, the three-dimensional generalization of the surface of a rubber balloon. New facts show using the arithmetic shows the galaxies reside outside the bubble and in contradiction with Einstein’s ideas about the universe. Still today Stephen Hawkins illustrates a bubble universe in which we reside inside this bubble. The mathematical facts in Quanta Physics show how matter assumed from a massive black hole and was followed by allusive low pressure inflation of the assumed bubble and by which matter resides on its fabric surface meaning outside the bubble itself not inside it. It could be followed that receding galaxies are pushing the bubble causing it to expand from the inside of it but than inflation due to the increase of the bubble’s pressure of dark matter is questioned.


    Another great mystery about the universe I think a count is the analogy that all the planets, stars and deities of planetary matter seem all to be round in shape like a ball even from dark stars at the universe’s youngest age. It follows that in a early universe all the deities must have been closer together than they are today. Like Plato’s theory about the world planetary matter is slowly spreading a part other theories believe the planets are physically growing getting bigger and bigger over time it has been physically measured. Round planets and deities can have happen in a more course tough and denser vacuum that is itself slowly expanding also. It follows that the universe seems also to be inflating at a steady constant rate the Hubble Theory has measured this activity. 


     The idea that in a younger vacuum field more denser be it the spheres matter or the vacuum itself – because of weight and free fall in the course of groups at the stellar level the sphere’s orbited closer together they were more dense not due to the vacuum but the density of the stars and system of stars and planets that finally grew older over time. The idea that the universe conforms as a system with a dense dominion star making up the group it stands that the space expansion is just making more room for the matter that exist.


     Einstein’s blunder that the universe is closed to regard the universe as closed inside of the balloon pointed to the direction that the vacuum was constant until they discovered that the universe was expanding. The possibility that matter formed out of equilibrium contradicts the idea that binary theory is the birth place of all planetary matter that which is a specific area in space but I believe is not the beginning. If planetary matter grew from the equilibrium the weight of it spreads over the surface it resides on causing the fabric surface to get tenser. Subtle generating matter passing through the fabric at its earliest era or to say in the beginning all matter formed before the release of pressure of the bubble or balloon doesn’t allow for later formation in theory where matter actually came from is the reason black holes discovered midfield the galaxies illustrates evidence they acted as portals pending the deity of matter from some other location into this universe is the reason they exist at all.   



Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Expanding Earth Expanding Universe Theory

by: Rodney Kawecki

     The expanding Earth or growing Earth hypothesis asserts that the position and relative movement of its continents is at least partially due to the volume of Earth increasing. Rod Kawecki’s theory of The Expanding Universe expands into a material expansion of celestial matter the idea that all matter in the universe is also expanding relative to the universe expansion rate though inside the galaxies all the planets and stars act as individuals are expanding a long with the universe itself.

     Physics puts matter inside an expanding bubble or balloon that in Quanta Physics Theory written by Rod Kawecki transcends that all the galaxies existing reside outside the bubble. His proof resides on the fact that the space fabric whereas the celestial’s reside rotating and in orbit or the Einstein Gravity Field is the surface of the rounded balloon. It is the pressure or inflation of the bubble that causes matter residing on its surface to separate or expand. Newer present 2015 theory called “Quanta Physics Theory “asserts and steps in with this analogy about the end of the universe illustrating its new discovery that shows that the universe expansion rate is now identified as it wasn't before this year. In this new theory the universe’s expansion rate is now measured at length at 450,000 miles a second. The rate of expansion of the human body type and the earth expand at a different rate as the universe’s rate.

     Part of the universe expansion theories I based on the lack of evidence the idea that matter also is expanding within the rate of the inflation rate of the universe shows the consistency of whether the universe is stable balanced or un-balanced. It will also show evidence of why matter retains the physical properties of both positive and negative atoms and is different than its outside space field mass.

     In 1888 Ivan Osipovich Yarkovsky suggested that some sort of aether is absorbed within Earth and transformed into new chemical elements, forcing the celestial bodies to expand. This theory assumes the connection between matter and dark matter mixed within the matter celestial chemistry causes a chemistry imbalance generated in matter around its center of mass properties physically making a chemical reaction at the molecular level increasing the matter's chemical mass causing the matter to grow or expand.


     Also the theses of Ott Christoph Hilgenberg (1933, 1974) and Nikola Tesla (1935) were based on absorption and transformation of aether-energy into normal matter.

     In the last few decades, no credible mechanism of action has been proposed for this addition of new mass, and there is no credible evidence for new mass having been added in the past.

     In 1889 and 1909 Roberto Mantovani published a hypothesis of Earth expansion and continental drift. He assumed that a closed continent covered the entire surface of a smaller Earth. Thermal expansion led to volcanic activity, which broke the land mass into smaller continents. These continents drifted away from each other because of further expansion at the rip-zones, where oceans currently lie

Decrease of the gravitational constant.

     Paul Dirac suggested in 1938 that the universal gravitational constant had decreased in the billions of years of its existence. This led German physicist Pascual Jordan to a modification of general relativity and to propose in 1964 that all planets slowly expand.

     The increased gravity of Earth would have altered the orbits of the celestial objects in the Solar System, including Moon's orbit and Earth's own orbit; proponents have no adequate explanation to address this problem.

     The collection of theories about the universe even as it sparked new ones, clarifying the path for future astronomers. Among its many discoveries, Hubble has revealed the age of the universe to be about 13 to 14 billion years, much more accurate than the old range of anywhere from 10 to 20 billion years. Hubble played a key role in the discovery of dark energy, a mysterious force that causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate.

   As large as the universe may seem to us – are galaxies and our location of the Milky Way in it as a whole lays outside the bubble located at the balloon edge surface we reside on the other side of the space fabric lining. To say where the center of the universe resides meaning a position inside the bubble that is expanding all matter and galactic matter that lays on its surface. Saying that the Hubble Telescope or any telescope has journeyed to the universe’s edge really means not from its center inside the bubble but the edge of the bubble fabric surface all the galaxies reside orbiting at.